9 things experts want you to know about threading before your next appointment (2024)

Brow experts, beauty therapists, and makeup artists alike will probably all tell you that threading is one of the best ways to get neat, fresh-looking eyebrows or whisk away stubborn facial hair. The ancient method was born in Asia and has been around for centuries –likely thousands of years, in fact –but still remains a very popular technique around the world today.

As its name suggests, the process involves removing unwanted hair from the root using twisted threads. While it’s often used to neaten up the eyebrows, threading can be carried out anywhere on the face – the upper lip, jawline, and even chin hair are all commonly threaded areas.

For those who have never been threaded, it’s understandable to have a little apprehension. Does it hurt? How long do the results last? And what will the hair look like when it grows back? Here we’ve taken a deep dive into the practice with insights from two of the industry’s leading brow experts to help you understand more about it.

Your threading questions, answered by the experts

1. What happens at a threading appointment?

Trying a new treatment can cause a little apprehension, so here's what to expect from your first-ever threading session – particularly if you are having your brows shaped. "The appointment may begin with a thorough consultation where you discuss your desired eyebrow shape, which will suit your facial features and lifestyle," explains Shavata Singh, celebrity brow & lash artist and founder of Shavata Brow & Lash Studios, who knows a thing or two about how to shape eyebrows.

The therapist will cleanse the area before beginning the threading. "[This] involves using a looped thread that is twisted and rolled over the skin to trap and remove unwanted hair," Singh continues. "The stylist holds one end of the thread in their mouth and uses their hands to manipulate the other end. They carefully manoeuvre the twisted thread to pluck the hair from the follicles." For eyebrows, the service can also be combined with a tint on the remaining hairs at many threading outposts for a real transformation.

2. How often should you thread your face or brows?

This answer is really down to you! "The frequency can vary depending on individual hair growth and personal preferences," says Sherrille Riley, founder of Nails & Brows Mayfair. "However, most people tend to get their eyebrows threaded every three to six weeks to maintain shape and keep them tidy. For other areas such as the face, upper lip, or chin, threading can be done as and when needed."

3. Does threading make hair grow back quicker?

No, this is an absolute myth. "Not at all," says Riley. "If the hairs are broken during your threading appointment then, of course, they can appear to grow back quicker. However, that will be due to their hairs not being pulled out from the root."

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4. Does threading eventually stop hair growth?

Threading is unlikely to completely stop regrowth, though you may notice a difference in how quickly and thickly the hairs do so. "Through constant use the hairs can grow back weaker, softer and finer, also taking longer to grow back," Riley confirms.

5. Does threading hurt?

We won't lie to you, as with most forms of hair removal a little discomfort is to be expected –the hairs are being tugged out of the root a few at a time, after all. But it's not a massively painful experience and, for most people, it simply feels a bit uncomfortable – plus it's over quickly. We'd rate it as being far more bearable than a bikini wax and totally worth it for smooth results and perfect eyebrow shapes.

6. Is threading good for sensitive skin?

We can't guarantee it, of course, but if you have sensitive skin and haven’t had a great experience with other hair removal methods, then threading might just be the option for you. "Threading is also good for highly sensitive skins that would otherwise react to other hair removal methods, such as waxing or shaving," says Riley.

Unlike treatments like eyebrow lamination or microblading, Singh notes: "[Threading] doesn't involve the use of any chemicals or harsh substances that can potentially irritate sensitive skin. It is a relatively low-risk procedure that has minimal side effects."

7. Is threading the only good choice for facial hair removal?

Many experts agree that threading is the best choice for any kind of facial hair removal, but that's not to say that other methods should be written off completely. "Due to its popularity, threading is considered the best method to shape the brows and remove facial hairs, but this is not always accessible to everyone," says Riley. "Tweezing and waxing are good alternatives that can [still] give a sharp, well-shaped brow."

8. Should my brows look exactly the same after threading?

If you're wondering how to fix uneven eyebrows, a threading appointment is a great solution, though your arches won't be left looking exactly the same. This is a good thing. "We say that brows shouldn’t be identical twins, but sisters who complement each other," says Singh. Your neatly-shaped brows will look very similar, but they won't be carbon copies of one another.

9. And what about threading aftercare?

It's pretty normal to experience very slight redness or flushing after a threading appointment, as you would after a tweezing session. After checking you are happy with the results, your therapist will likely apply a soothing lotion to calm the skin, so this shouldn't last for too long. Don't your brows in the first couple of hours after the appointment, and avoid hot showers, saunas, steam rooms, swimming, and wearing makeup on your brows for 24 hours.

9 things experts want you to know about threading before your next appointment (2024)


What precautions should you take before threading? ›

  • Let Your Brows Grow In: ...
  • Know Your Shape: ...
  • Exfoliate Gently: ...
  • Skip the Makeup: ...
  • Wash Your Face and Hands: ...
  • Schedule Wisely: ...
  • Facial Threading: A Holistic Approach to Hair Removal. ...
  • Soothe Your Skin:
Nov 15, 2021

What is the downside of threading? ›

These may include: Infection: There is **** a risk of infection with any surgical procedure, including a thread lift. If an infection occurs, it may require antibiotics or additional treatments to resolve. Nerve damage: In rare cases, it may result in nerve damage.

How many hours before I can wash my face after eyebrow threading? ›

This can clog the pores that were opened during the threading process and lead to a breakout or minor skin infection. A gentle face wash is recommended a few hours after your treatment, but ensure that you do not exfoliate for at least 24 hours.

What happens if you wet your eyebrows after threading? ›

It is perfectly fine to get your brows wet after your HD Brows treatment. However, for 48 hours after your treatment, heat and moisture may cause slight irritation to your skin, so we recommend against the use of saunas, steam rooms, etc.

Can I shower after threading? ›

You should avoid any steam facials or heat treatments. Refrain from taking a hot and steamy baths or shower for at least two hours following treatment.

Can I wash my face immediately after threading? ›

Wash your face with cold water to minimise redness post-threading. Apply aloe vera gel or rose water to help soothe the irritation. 2. Avoid exposing freshly-threaded brows to direct sunlight, steam or chlorinated water for 24 hours.

Does threading cause sagging? ›

Much of the results seen from a thread-lift are simply due to post-treatment swelling. Once the swelling and inflammation subside, results quickly fade because PDO threading does not affect facial volume – a major contributor to the skin sagging that comes with aging.

What are the long term side effects of threading? ›

Many people don't realize that there can be potential unwanted side effects with threading such as acne-like breakouts, infections and darkening of the skin. While threading has been around since ancient times, it may just not the best modern-day solution for you to get rid of your unwanted hair!

Can face threading go wrong? ›

Thread lift side effects

"There's always a risk of bruising and infection, but it's very low. It's lower than the risk you would have with surgery," Matarasso explains. Some patients may end up with skin irregularities, like bumps or asymmetry, if one side of the face ends up looking fuller than the other, he adds.

Why do I get little pimples after threading? ›

If you're experiencing breakouts after threading, it could mean that your follicles are irritated or your pores are clogged.

Should I moisturize after threading? ›

After threading, you can apply aloe vera lotion, extract or natural pulp to the affected areas, and it will significantly reduce the pain after threading.

Should I moisturize before or after threading? ›

Before and after threading, be sure to cleanse your sensitive skin with a mild cleanser and moisturize thoroughly. After threading, soothe your skin with aloe vera gel or calming balms.

Is it bad to thread your upper lip? ›

This nonsurgical procedure provides contouring, primarily to your cupid's bow area. Lip threading is considered to be a safe procedure, provided that it's done by an experienced board certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist.

How do you prepare your face for threading? ›

So, to achieve the best results and minimize discomfort for your first eyebrow threading in Tempe, follow these steps to prepare your eyebrows!
  1. Let Your Brows Grow. ...
  2. Research and Choose a Skilled Technician. ...
  3. Exfoliate Your Skin. ...
  4. Cleanse Your Face. ...
  5. Avoid Eye Creams and Serums. ...
  6. Communicate Your Preferences.

What to ask for when getting eyebrows threaded? ›

Not everyone looks good with all eyebrow types, but this gives your technician something to start with. If you're unsure, ask them to do what they think will look best or use minimal guiding terms. If you don't want them too thin or too thick, say so. Don't be afraid to ask for what you want.

How do you prepare for threads? ›

How should I prepare for a thread lift?
  1. Get lab testing or a medical evaluation.
  2. Take certain medications or adjust your current medications.
  3. Stop smoking.
  4. Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding and bruising.

What precautions should be taken during PDO threads? ›

do not touch the entrance points and avoid to make it wet. Apply SPF50 and avoid direct sunlight and tanning machines in order to prevent Post- Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH). Avoid temperature extremes such as saunas or very cold climates.

What should I avoid before PDO threads? ›

PDO Thread Pre-Care Instructions:

Avoid alcohol and smoking 24 hours before treatment. Avoid Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Advil, St. John's Wort, oral Vitamin E, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) in the 24 hours prior to your treatment as they may promote the risk of bruising and bleeding in the injection area.

Should I cleanse before threading? ›

Wash your face before getting threading. This means thoroughly cleaning off any makeup, sunscreen, and oils to prevent these products from seeping into your newly opened pores. After getting threaded, place witch hazel or acne astringent on threaded areas.

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