How Many Years Can You File Back Taxes? (2024)

There’s technically no limit to the number of years for which you can file back taxes. However, there are stipulations, regulations, and processes in place that tend to prevent most taxpayers from getting more than a few years behind without being well aware that they owe the IRS money.

When you do get behind on your taxes, you can minimize the damage by taking steps to file your back tax returns as soon as possible. The sooner you file your late tax returns, the sooner you can put this stressful situation behind you—and put an end to the accrual of fees and penalties. Remember that the penalties, interest, and actions taken by the IRS to recover what you owe will only increase as time passes.

This guide will cover your options for catching up on your unpaid taxes, including time limitations, how to file your back taxes, and the IRS’s response if you don’t settle your outstanding tax liabilities.

What are back taxes?

Back taxes are simply the amount of money you owe the IRS that you didn’t pay by the filing due date. Perhaps it was caused by an oversight, not making enough in estimated tax payments, or financial hardship. Regardless of the cause, missing your filing due date will result in the IRS tacking on interest and penalties, increasing your tax liability.

How many years can you file back taxes?

IRS Policy Statement 5-133, Delinquent Returns-Enforcement of Filing Requirements, states that you must file returns for the last six years to be in good standing.

There may be instances where the IRS requires tax filings past six years—in other words, they’ll want you to go back further and provide your income, expenses, and other tax filing information from longer than six years ago. The most common reasons for this request are the following:

  • The taxpayer has a history of noncompliance.
  • A return older than six years has a substantial tax liability.
  • A business is involved, and the IRS intends to more closely scrutinize the returns for potential noncompliance.
  • There is an investigation into possible illegal sources of income.
  • Local revenue officers require additional forms as part of another in-depth investigation.

If you’re filing to receive a tax refund, you only have three years from the original deadline to receive it, unless the following apply:

  • You’re claiming a refund due to deductions for bad debt or worthless securities. In this case, you have up to seven years to claim the refund.
  • You have physical or mental disabilities preventing you from managing your own financial affairs.

Even though the IRS can request your tax filings for the past six years, they can’t collect taxes owed after ten years due to a statute of limitations. However, note that they may aggressively attempt to pursue payment as this 10-year deadline draws nearer.

In some cases, the IRS may temporarily suspend the collection period. The most likely scenarios for this include:

  • If you’re in the process of filing for bankruptcy, the court issues an automatic stay preventing the IRS from taking collection actions against you. This stay lasts for the period of the bankruptcy case plus six months.
  • The IRS is working with you to reach an installment agreement, offer in compromise, or other relief options.

How do you find out how much you owe?

If you’re unsure how much you owe in back taxes, there are a few ways you can find out:

  • Access your online tax account at to view the amount owed and the last five years of your payment history.
  • View email notifications in your account regarding your back taxes.
  • Obtain your income transcript by mail by filing Form 4506-T.
  • Call 800-829-4933 from 7 a.m to 7 p.m. local time to speak to an agent regarding your business back taxes.
  • Obtain the amount from letters the IRS sends you regarding your tax bill and payment status.

Why you should file

If you don’t file your back taxes, the IRS has authorization through Sec. 6020 to prepare a substitute return on your behalf. They will notify you first of their intent to do so, and give you an opportunity to respond. If you do not file your tax return on your own by their deadline, then they will complete the return for you.

This may sound like an easy resolution—but actually, allowing them to complete the substitute return on your behalf can substantially increase your tax obligation.

This is because the IRS bases your substitute return strictly on your business income. It omits exemptions, deductions, and tax credits that could substantially reduce your tax obligation.

For example, an IRS substitute return won’t include itemized deductions such as insurance, casualty and theft losses, advertising costs, office supplies, bank fees, business vehicle expenses, legal fees, and other allowable business deductions. The IRS’s return also omits cost-saving tax credits your small business may be eligible for.

You have 30 days after receipt of the letter to send in a completed return. Your other options are to send in IRS Form 870-Consent to Assessment and Collection form or a statement explaining why you aren’t required to file a return.

Where do you start?

Once you’re ready to catch up on your back taxes, here are some suggestions to get you started.

Contact the IRS as soon as possible

One of the most important first steps in filing your late income tax returns is contacting the IRS. Many people are intimidated by the thought of dealing with the IRS, but it’s important to remember that they want to work with you to get your tax debt handled. The sooner you contact them, the sooner you can start working on a plan to pay off your back taxes.

While it may be tempting, ignoring the IRS is never a good idea. The longer you fail to communicate with them, the greater the likelihood they will impose more aggressive actions, such as tax liens and levies.

So when you do receive communications from the IRS, respond as soon as possible and inform them of your intent to catch up on your past-due returns. This keeps the lines of communication open, which may result in fewer payment penalties. Complete any required forms and furnish documentation as requested.

Get your records and bookkeeping in order

Having a handle on your bookkeeping is vital for any business, but it’s especially crucial if you’re behind on your taxes. If you aren’t current with your bookkeeping, now is the time to tackle that backlog. Up-to-date books are essential to filing accurate back taxes and avoiding underpayments that will result in penalties and interest charges.

Catching up on years of bookkeeping can be daunting, so if it’s more than you can handle on your own consider hiring a professional or outsourcing the work to a service like Bench Retro.

Hire a tax professional

Depending on the amount you owe and the complexity of your returns, it may be in your best interest to recruit a CPA or tax advisor for assistance.

Make sure that the CPA you hire has the knowledge and experience needed to deal with back tax situations. You’ll need to give your tax professional access to all of your tax documents, including notices and letters from the IRS, tax forms, records, receipts, business income and expenses, and the last tax return you filed.

File even if you can’t pay

Even if you can’t pay the taxes owed, filing your returns and working out a payment plan with the IRS is better than waiting and accruing failure-to-file fees. The sooner you file, the less you’ll owe in the long run.

Start payments as soon as possible

If you owe money to the IRS, paying them as soon as possible is essential. Not only will this help to minimize late fees and penalties, but it will also put you in a better position to negotiate a payment plan or offer in compromise.

Once you have filed your back taxes, don’t expect an immediate acknowledgment from the IRS. It may take several months to a year before your returns are processed. The good news is that this delay buys you some time to strategize your payment plan.

What happens if you don’t file your back taxes?

Ignoring the IRS’s communications is the worst thing you can do, and it won’t stop them from pursuing your tax debt. While agents won’t show up on your doorstep, they will penalize you by adding costly fines to your tax debt. Here is the sequence of events you can expect if the IRS doesn’t receive your payment.

  1. The IRS sends a notice stating you haven’t filed and paid taxes by the deadline. This notice will include the amount you owe, including penalties and interest. Information on how to pay your outstanding balance is also provided.
  2. If you don’t follow up on the first letter, the IRS makes good on its promise of applying interest and penalties to your back tax balance. A Failure to Pay Penalty of 0.5% of the total amount of taxes owed is applied each month to the unpaid balance. This penalty will never exceed 25% of the balance. A 4.5% Failure to File Penalty is also added if you haven’t filed a return.

In addition to the Failure to Pay and Failure to File penalties, the IRS charges interest that compounds daily on your back taxes with the penalties.

  1. The IRS becomes more aggressive in their collection efforts if you still haven’t paid towards your back taxes despite their letters. You may receive a notice of their intent to put a tax levy on your assets, including your bank accounts. They can also garnish your wages or place a federal tax lien on your property.

What if you can’t afford to pay your back taxes?

One reason many business owners get behind in their taxes is an inability to afford them. Remember that even if you can’t pay in full, you can still make partial payments that will decrease your overall debt from penalties and interest.

The IRS has a few options to help you in this situation. The most common solution is an installment agreement with affordable payments. Another is proving financial hardship so that the IRS can agree to a settlement that they can reasonably expect you to pay. Penalty abatement, in which the IRS minimizes the penalties on your back tax debt is another option. However, this type of relief requires proving reasonable cause, such as a natural disaster or a death in the family.

How Bench can help

If you’re overwhelmed by the thought of catching up on years of back taxes, Bench is here to help. We’ll get your taxes in order, even if you’re behind on your bookkeeping. Bench Retro’s tax professionals can complete your past bookkeeping fast, so you don’t miss out on credits or deductions that will lower your back tax obligations. With our knowledgeable and professional bookkeepers on the job, you’ll have more time to focus on the day-to-day aspects of your business.

The bottom line

If you’re behind on your taxes, it’s never too late to work with the IRS to clear your record. The IRS will accept up to six years of returns, so there’s no need to panic if you find yourself in this situation. The IRS also has several options to help you catch up on your back taxes if you cannot afford them. In any case, it’s always best to address your back tax situation as soon as possible, so you can focus on looking ahead and growing your business.

How Many Years Can You File Back Taxes? (2024)


How Many Years Can You File Back Taxes? ›

Seven to 10 Years or More — Due a Refund or Owe Taxes

How many years of back taxes can you file? ›

Even so, the IRS can go back more than six years in certain instances. Unfortunately, there is a limit on how far back you can file a tax return to claim tax refunds and tax credits. This IRS only allows you to claim refunds and tax credits within three years of the tax return's original due date.

How many years can you go back and correct taxes? ›

Generally, to claim a refund, you must file Form 1040-X within 3 years after the date you filed your original return or within 2 years after the date you paid the tax, whichever is later.

How many years can the IRS go back if you didn't file taxes? ›

However, the statute of limitations for the IRS to assess and collect any outstanding balances doesn't start until a return has been filed. In other words, there's no statute of limitations for assessing and collecting the tax if no return has been filed.

How many back years of taxes should you keep? ›

Keep records for 3 years from the date you filed your original return or 2 years from the date you paid the tax, whichever is later, if you file a claim for credit or refund after you file your return. Keep records for 7 years if you file a claim for a loss from worthless securities or bad debt deduction.

What is the IRS 6 year rule? ›

6 years - If you don't report income that you should have reported, and it's more than 25% of the gross income shown on the return, or it's attributable to foreign financial assets and is more than $5,000, the time to assess tax is 6 years from the date you filed the return.

Is IRS debt forgiven after 10 years? ›

Yes, after 10 years, the IRS forgives tax debt.

However, it is important to note that there are certain circ*mstances, such as bankruptcy or certain collection activities, which may extend the statute of limitations.

Who qualifies for the IRS fresh start program? ›

General Initiative Eligibility

You should be current on all federal tax filings and owe no more than $50,000 in back taxes, interest and penalties combined. If you're a small business owner, you could be eligible for relief under the Fresh Start Initiative if you owe no more than $25,000 in payroll taxes.

How many times can you fix your taxes? ›

How many amended returns can be filed electronically? (updated January 2, 2024) You can electronically file up to three amended returns per tax year. If you file a third amended return that is accepted, all subsequent attempts will be rejected.

How do I find out why my tax return was rejected? ›

An IRS agent may call you or visit your home, but usually only after sending several letters first. When an e-filed return gets rejected, the IRS will often let you know within a few hours. It also sends a rejection code and explanation of why the e-filed return was rejected.

How do I catch up on years of unfiled taxes? ›

You can contact a tax professional or the IRS for help with filing delinquent returns. If you are unable to fully pay any tax due on the late returns, do not let this prevent you from filing — payment options may be available. For more details, ask your tax professional or an IRS representative.

How much money do you have to owe the IRS before you go to jail? ›

You ignore the bill and all of the IRS's collection notices. At this point, the IRS may obtain a civil judgment against you for the $10,000. This gives the IRS the right to issue a federal tax lien, seize your assets, garnish your wages, or take other collection actions. The IRS cannot put you in jail.

Should I keep my 20 year old tax returns? ›

No, there is no need to keep tax returns that are 20 years old. According to the Internal Revenue Service website, the longest recommended period of time to retain tax records is seven years. This is the recommended time if you plan to file a claim for a loss from bad debt reduction or worthless securities.

Can the IRS audit you after 7 years? ›

Generally, the IRS can include returns filed within the last three years in an audit. If we identify a substantial error, we may add additional years. We usually don't go back more than the last six years. The IRS tries to audit tax returns as soon as possible after they are filed.

Can I file 10 years of back taxes? ›

3. The government might owe you money. If you're due a tax refund for a prior year, claim it by filing your tax return for that year. You only have three years from the original tax return due date to claim old tax refunds.

What happens after 10 years of back taxes? ›

In general, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has 10 years to collect unpaid tax debt. After that, the debt is wiped clean from its books and the IRS writes it off. This is called the 10 Year Statute of Limitations. It is not in the financial interest of the IRS to make this statute widely known.

What is the oldest tax return I can file? ›

Yes, you can file taxes for returns that are up to five years old, or even older. However, there are a few key considerations to keep in mind: Refunds: The IRS typically only issues refunds for returns filed within three years of the original due date.

Can I file taxes from 20 years ago? ›

Generally, if you haven't filed in 10 to 20 years, the IRS will only make you file the last six years of returns. However, the agency may make you file older returns if you owe a substantial amount or if fraud is involved.

What happens if you haven't filed taxes in 20 years? ›

While the IRS usually does not pursue taxpayers who have unfiled returns over six years old, it still has the discretion to take action related to much older returns. For example, the IRS may go back further than six years if the taxpayer has a long history of tax payment noncompliance or income from illegal sources.

What happens if you don't file taxes for 5 years? ›

If you haven't filed taxes for several years, the IRS may decide to settle your tax bill by setting up a levy on your wages or bank account. This can result in a garnishment of wages or other income. The IRS may also file a notice of a federal tax lien, which can impact your financial options in the future.

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