Ironman Mode/Strategies/Smithing (2024)

Smithing as a skill primarily serves as support for melee. Early on it can provide weapons and armour, later on masterwork armour and armour spikes.


  • 1 Equipment
  • 2 Training the skill
    • 2.1 1-10 Bronze
    • 2.2 10-30 Iron and steel
    • 2.3 30-40 Mithril
    • 2.4 40-99 Burial sets
    • 2.5 Spending respect
  • 3 Milestone rewards

Equipment[edit | edit source]

This is a condensed version of Pay-to-play Smithing training#Useful items. Note that improving progress speed will also improve experience per hour.

Blacksmith's outfitEach piece of the blacksmith's outfit increases Smithing experience by 1%. Wearing a full set will give an extra 1% bonus experience, for 6% bonus experience in total. The helmet add-on also gives a 1% chance to get double bars while smelting and adds a teleport option to the Artisans' Workshop.Respect (Artisans' Workshop). XP-wise this is the best investment per respect.Experience, resources
Varrock armourGives a chance for bonus bars while smelting and double progress while smithing. 1 unlocks a 4% bonus for bronze, iron and steel. 2 unlocks a 3% bonus for mithril and adamant. 3 unlocks a 2% bonus for rune, orikalkum and necrite. 4 unlocks a 1% bonus for bane and elder rune. With the New Varrock achievements these effects can be provided without needing to wear the armour as well as doubling the effectiveness.Varrock achievements, New Varrock achievementsResources, progress
Smelting gauntletsSmelted bars are automatically sent to the metal bank.Family Crest rewardOther
Scroll of efficiencyFor every bar used while smithing this gives a 2% chance to return it.Bought for 20,000 at 55 and .Resources
Crystal hammerGives a 1% chance for double progress while smithing.Sing a crystal tool seed with 80 or 7,500.Progress
Invention perksRequires a hammer-tron or an augmented crystal hammer. Tinker perk is an all around boost to progress, the rapid perk makes progress a lot faster but also makes smithing more active, and the breakdown perk provides some free components while smithing.

Additionally, Wise can be put on an offhand for up to 4% additional experience for a limited time per day.

22 for augmented tools, 95 (unboostable) and 85 for ancient tool gizmo shells.
  • Tinker: progress
  • Rapid: progress
  • Breakdown: resources
  • Wise: experience
Superheat FormMakes smelting speed 1 tick faster (reducing the time per bar from 2.4/1.8 seconds to 1.8/1.2 seconds) and heat levels impact smithing speed less, making smithing less active. The grace of the elves necklace halves the prayer drain rate.The Light Within and 91 Other
Perfect juju smithing potionGives a 5% chance to double progress for 1 hour per dose (4 hours per dose of perfect plus potion).82 to add harmony moss to a juju hunter potion (3) or 99 to add harmony moss, a crystal tree blossom and an overload (4) to a crystal flask to make the perfect plus potion.Progress
Powerburst of masterstrokeMultiplies progress by 10 for the next 4 swings (30 second limit) on a 2 minute cooldown.108 (boostable) and 106 (unboostable) to create.Progress
Smithing autoheater/Advanced smithing autoheaterAdds 30%/60% heat when heat runs out at the cost of 5/50 coal. Useful for smithing with minimal inputs.Bought for 4,000/40,000 at 35/70 and .
UrnsProvide 20% extra smithing experience, or 25% with an urn enhancer, but only for smelting bars or corrupted ore. Smelting is a very small percentage of experience while making burial sets so this is primarily useful for corrupted ore.4, 17, 35, 49, 80 respectively.Experience
Smithing capeGives double progress whenever at full heat.99 Progress
Orthen furnace coreGives free resources, makes Breakdown give 5% bonus experience for 5 minutes (making this more efficient than an off-hand with Wise if the buff can be maintained), stops superheat form from draining prayer points and gives the scroll of efficiency a 2.5% chance to return bars instead of 2%.Made at 99 and 102 with a number of resources (see page) including 200 tarromin incense sticks and vital sparks (88 ).Resources, experience
Inspire GeniusPlayers with level 118 Archaeology can activate the Inspire Genius relic power at the mysterious monolith for a 2% experience increase to experience in smithing.118 required. Costs 5,000 chronotes and 250 relic power to swap in.Experience

Training the skill[edit | edit source]

The smithing skill is straightforward to train. Making the highest level armour and turning it into burial armour is generally the best way to gain experience. Always train at the Artisans' Workshop for the respect and possibly the luminite injector buff (often active on world 70).

When smithing, it is possible to stock up multiple items in a row to smith by right-clicking the forge.

1-10 Bronze[edit | edit source]

It does not matter which item is smithed in terms of experience, so smith 73 sets of bronze arrowheads or bronze bolts (unf) to help with Fletching. Arrowheads are worth more total Fletching xp than unfinished bolts, but the latter is faster and simpler.

10-30 Iron and steel[edit | edit source]

Smith 79 iron bars and 114 steel bars worth of items. It does not matter for bar efficiency what item is made, but making iron/steel platebody + 1s requires the least activity or make arrowheads/unfinished bolts for fletching. Nails are another useful option that don't drop off in use as quickly as arrowheads.

Alternatively, complete The Knight's Sword to skip most of this.

30-40 Mithril[edit | edit source]

Smith 191 mithril bars worth of items. Again, mithril platebody + 2 will require the least activity.

40-99 Burial sets[edit | edit source]

At this point the eastern half of the Artisans' Workshop opens up, where burial armour can be made. Making burial items improves the experience per bar by 50% at the cost of destroying the item. Making burial sets improves the experience per bar by a further 1.67%-3.33% (depending on the number of solemn smith upgrades bought). Besides orikalkum it is always the most efficient to do the highest level bar.

LevelsBars neededBurial setsOther burial items
40-50248 adamant bars5 adamant burial sets1 adamant burial full helm
50-701744 rune bars18 rune burial sets1 rune burial full helm
70-801648 necronium bars8 necronium burial sets7 necronium burial gauntlets
80-903152 bane bars16 bane burial sets1 bane burial platebody
90-995056 elder rune bars13 elder rune burial sets1 elder rune burial full helm

Making elder rune burial sets from 90 to 99 is faster than bane including mining time. Making elder rune will take about 123 hours and 30mins, where making bane will take about 135 hours and 20 mins.

The above times were calculated using an elder rune +5 pickaxe, A static level of 90 mining and a Strength level of 9 or less for the whole process (for an average of 185 damage per swing). While maintaining 100% stamina when mining and high heat while forging items, while only making complete Burial sets and not using any boosts of any kind including Invention perks, luminate injectors or solemn smith. While starting at exactly 90 Smithing (5,346,332 xp)

Speed comparison table
ActionElder RuneBane
Bars Needed5,3767,328
Mining Ores96.4 hours89.8 hours
Smelting5.3 hours3.7 hours
Forging21.8 hours41.9 hours
Total hours123h 30m135h 20m

Note that due to experience boosts these numbers will likely be too much, use Calculator:Smithing to get a better approximation for the number of bars needed. In general, the optimal strategy is to make the displayed number of burial sets minus 1, and then use other burial items to fill up the rest of the experience to the next metal type.

In the past, corrupted ore provided a decent alternative to bane and elder rune. However, due to nerfs this is no longer the case and it is around half as efficient as bane or elder rune in terms of smithing experience per hour after taking mining into account.

Spending respect[edit | edit source]

The following order gives the biggest experience boost per respect available:

  1. Start with the blacksmith's outfit, including the headgear. This gives extra experience and also extra bars, reducing time mining. This costs 300% respect or 3,000,000 experience.
  2. Get the solemn smith upgrades, increasing experience per bar by 0.33%. This costs 300% respect or 3,000,000 experience.
  3. Get quick repairs and repair expert for some additional experience. This costs 20% respect or 200,000 experience.
  4. Get ceremonial sword orders for 10% additional experience from ceremonial sword random events. This costs 100% respect or 1,000,000 experience.
  5. Get ceremonial swordsmith I-V for 1% additional experience from ceremonial sword random events (multiplicative with the orders upgrade). This costs 150% respect or 1,500,000 experience.
  6. Finally, the remaining upgrades do not affect experience. They are in no particular order:
    • The dwarven cannon upgrades, which also affect the Oldak coil and kinetic cyclone. This costs 250% respect or 2,500,000 experience.
    • The dwarven instinct aura, which gives some free resources. This costs 200% respect or 2,000,000 experience.
    • The cosmetic armour sets which are required for the trimmed completionist cape. This costs 300% respect or 3,000,000 experience.

The total cost for all smithing upgrades is 870% respect or 8,700,000 experience. The remaining articles cost 750% respect for a total of 16,200,000 experience to get everything, not counting bonus and reward experience.

Milestone rewards[edit | edit source]

Every level will also improve smithing rate.

10,20,...,90 Smith your own weapons and tank armour.
90Armour spikes
99Smithing cape for quicker smithing.
99 Masterwork armour

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Ironman Mode/Strategies/Smithing (2024)


Ironman Mode/Strategies/Smithing? ›

Training the skill. The smithing skill is straightforward to train. Making the highest level armour and turning it into burial armour is generally the best way to gain experience. Always train at the Artisans' Workshop for the respect and possibly the luminite injector buff (often active on world 70).

How do Ironmen train Smithing? ›

Smithing is a skill most efficiently trained by buying ores from Ordan, and smelting them at the Blast Furnace. A decent amount of experience also comes from smelting ores and forging bars obtained from monster drops.

What is the fastest way to level up Smithing in Runescape? ›

There are various methods to get level 1-29 in Smithing. The fastest method is to complete the quest The Knight's Sword. Then train to level 30 by smithing iron 2h swords. For efficiency's sake, you might want to consider using rings of forging, which give you a 100% iron smelting rate for 140 ores.

What is the most efficient item to Smith in Runescape? ›

Usually, the best things to smith are iron knives, dart tips and platebodies, depending on whether the player wants fast experience or profit.

What is the most efficient Smithing XP? ›

Smelting gold bars at the Blast Furnace becomes the fastest viable training method at level 40. This method costs money, and it can be fairly expensive depending on the Grand Exchange prices.

What increases Smithing the fastest? ›

The three tools that use and improve the Smithing skill are grindstones, workbenches, and forges. Anvils also count as forges. Players can gain Smithing experience by using the improvement tools, but the fastest way to improve the skill is by crafting new items in a forge.

What are the hardest skills to train on Ironman? ›

Herblore is arguably the hardest skill to train on an ironman since collecting the herbs and most of the secondary ingredients can be slow and time-consuming. Therefore, it is advised to put the rewards of every experience lamp and book of knowledge into Herblore if possible.

How many hours does it take to get 99 Smithing? ›

Now, Mining is a super slow skill, and that will take you about 150 – 170 hours to get all the way to level 99. Smithing: Smithing is next, and that is about 50 – 70 hours, entirely depending on the method that you are using. Platebodies are really fast, along with Blast Furnace.

What is the best thing to craft to level up Smithing? ›

By crafting numerous gold rings, your character's Smithing will level quickly. You can sell the gold rings for significantly more than you spent on the iron ore to make them, meaning that you turn a profit.

How many Elder Rune bars for 99? ›

You will need a total of 7688 elder rune bars to get to level 99.

What is the best item to Smith for profit? ›

The most valuable item to smith currently is rune 2h sword(update), with a value of 37,870. It is possible to increase profit by using high alchemy on the smithed rune items. Simply withdraw coins, nature runes, and equip a fire staff in addition to the 25 bars and hammer to efficiently utilize inventory space.

What heals the most in Runescape? ›

The highest healing food for non-members is a swordfish; for members it is the sailfish soup with 1 bite. However the fastest healing food for members with multiple bites are summer pies which only takes 0.6 seconds per bite (three times faster than some types of food).

How do you level up Smithing fast in Runescape? ›

Rune 2h swords are currently the fastest way power level smithing in free worlds with reasonable cost. If smithing at portable forges, around 320,000 experience per hour can be obtained. However, the time to buy and sell may be too much if one cannot afford 1000 or more bars at a time. This is worth 2,985,000 coins.

How much XP is corrupted ore per hour? ›

By default, it takes 4 ticks (2.4 seconds) to smelt one piece of corrupted ore, which means that up to 1,500 corrupted ore can be used in one hour for a base rate of 240,000 experience.

How many bars per hour Edgeville? ›

Steel bars (483) are frequently traded due to its use in smithing steel equipment. The best furnace for F2P players to smelt steel is at the furnace in Edgeville as it is the closest furnace to a bank in F2P. Players can smelt and bank up to 775 or more steel bars per hour.

What NPC can train me in Smithing? ›

Skyrim Smithing Trainer Locations
Ghorza gra-Bagol0-50 (Adept)Markarth
Balimund0-75 (Expert)Riften
Eorlund Gray-Mane0-90 (Master)Whiterun
Gunmar0-90 (Master)Fort Dawnguard
Jan 19, 2024

How many hours to 99 Smithing osrs? ›

Now, Mining is a super slow skill, and that will take you about 150 – 170 hours to get all the way to level 99. Smithing: Smithing is next, and that is about 50 – 70 hours, entirely depending on the method that you are using. Platebodies are really fast, along with Blast Furnace.

How do you train to do Iron Man? ›

Your volume for the 4 activity categories in the Acclimation Phase, will look like this:
  1. Swim – 1,500-2,000 yards/meters broken into sets.
  2. Bike – 30 minutes to 1 hour @95+ RPM.
  3. Run – 3, 3-5 mile runs during the week, building from 4-8 miles on the weekends.
  4. Weight Training – Front squat, back squat, and core training.

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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.