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Showing 1 - 9 of 9 results

Dominator UTV Scissor Lift

SKU 35-9770

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SKU garage_lift


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SKU 35-7778

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SKU mc655r


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SKU mc625r


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SKU mc615r


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SKU mc500r


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SKU mc550


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SKU lift-gate


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');jQuery('td#prod_item_' + this.sPKey + ' div.actions input.btn_addtocart').removeAttr('disabled');//HideLoading();}; //- Uom.drawPriceUom.loading = function () {jQuery('td#prod_item_' + this.sPKey + ' div.actions input.btn_addtocart').attr('disabled','disabled');jQuery('td#prod_item_' + this.sPKey + ' div.item_pricing').html(sLoadingMessage);}; //- Uom.loading/** * toggleQty */Uom.toggleQty = function () {/*if(jQuery('#uom_type_' + this.sPKey).val() == 'sales'){jQuery('#qty_' + this.sPKey).attr("name", 'sales_qty_' + this.sPKey);} else {jQuery('#qty_' + this.sPKey).attr("name", 'qty_' + this.sPKey);}//-if(jQuery('#uom_type_' + vPKey).val() == 'sales')NO! Don't do this!*/}; //- Uom.toggleDisplay/** * error */Uom.error = function () {alert('There was an error retrieving the information for the product you selected.');}; //- Uom.error})(UomJQ);/** * AJAX Call to remove item from favorites list. * * @author johns * @since 10/15/2009 */function fncRemoveItem ( sProdKey ) {jQuery.ajax({url: sPageName,data: 'pageaction=removefavitems&p_key=' + sProdKey + '&fl_key=' + sFl_Key + '&r_id=' + new Date().getTime(),type: 'GET',async: false,dataType: 'text',success: function () { fncRemoveItemCompleted ( sProdKey ); }});} //- function fncRemoveItem ( sProdKey )//- EVENT FUNCTIONS ==================================================function fncRemoveItemCompleted( p_key ) {//list viewvar $container = jQuery('td#prod_item_' + p_key);var $container2 = jQuery('tr#' + p_key);if ($container.length > 0) {// $container.hide();$container.remove();} else {// $container2.hide();$container2.remove();}//gallery view$container = jQuery('div#prod_item_' + p_key);if ($container.length > 0) {$container.remove();}} //- function fncRemoveItemCompleted( p_key )//================================================================function closeCartLightbox() {if (jQuery('#cart_window_unused').length) {//cart_windowoAjax.Reset();oAjax.RequestFile= 'i_i_shopping_cart_window.asp'oAjax.Method= 'GET';oAjax.onCompletion= function () {jQuery('#cart_window_unused').replaceWith(oAjax.Response);jQuery("#atc_msg_buttons").show();tb_init('#cartwin_shipping a.thickbox');};oAjax.ResponseType= 'text'; //- The format of returned data. xml, text, json.oAjax.RunAJAX();}jQuery('#atc_msg_product, #atc_msg_notice').empty();}/** * This will perform an ajax get request on the ORDERFRONTURL's * showcart.asp page to create a cookie of the SSL domain to * maintain session information such as the shopping cart. * * @authorlroselli * @since04/10/2013 */function fncBuildSSLCookie() {// ddara - 9/22/2014// This is only required when the SSL is on a domain that is different from the rest of the site.// We must strip the protocol since they are often times different, even if the domains are the same.// ASP detected that the storefront and orderfront domains are the same and thus the SSL// cookie pass through is not required.} //- fncBuildSSLCookie/** * This function handles calling the add to cart page via ajax for * a single product key. * * @authorjohns * @since03/19/2013 * * @modifiedjohns - 3/19/2013: added param "bIsAccessory" and the code w/ it * * @paramp_key (string): key of the product to be added to *cart * @parambIsAccessory (bool): is the call coming from product addon window * * @return */function ajaxAddKeys(p_key, bIsAccessory) {var sStockStatus = '';var sAtcType = 'POST';var sAtcSfx = '_' + p_key;if (bIsAccessory === undefined) {bIsAccessory = false;}var sUomData = '';var sUomType = '';var sUom = '';var sUomStd = '';var iUomSalesConv = 0;var iMaxQty = '';var iMinQty = '';try {$qtybox = jQuery('#qty_' + p_key);var iQtyMultiplier = jQuery('#multiplier_on_qty_display_' + p_key).val();if (iQtyMultiplier === undefined) {iQtyMultiplier = 1;}if (bShowSalesUOM) {sUomType = jQuery('#uom_type_' + p_key).val();sUom = jQuery('#uom_' + sUomType + '_' + p_key).val();sUomStd = jQuery('#uom_std_' + p_key).val();iUomSalesConv = jQuery('#uom_conv_' + p_key).val();sUomData += '&uom=' + sUom + '&uomconv=' + iUomSalesConv + '&uomtype=' + sUomType;if (bShowNativeUOMinCart) {sUomData += '&stduom=' + sUomStd;}}var sQty = $qtybox.val();var sProduct;var sProductImage;var $container;if (jQuery('#prod_item_' + p_key).length > 0) {// product html for gallery view$container = jQuery('#prod_item_' + p_key).children('.prod_item_pad');sProductName = $container.children('.nm').html();sInStock = jQuery('#in_stock_' + p_key).val();if (sInStock !== undefined && sInStock !== '') {sStockStatus = '&in_stock_' + p_key + '=' + sInStock;}jQuery('#atc_msg_product').addClass('prod_item');sProductImage = '

' + $container.children('.thumb').html() + '

';if ($container.children('.thumb').html() === null || typeof $container.children('.thumb').html() == 'undefined') {sProductImage = '';}sProduct = sProductImage + '' + sProductName + ' (' + sQty + ')';} else {// product html for list view$container = jQuery('#' + p_key);sProdName = $container.children('td.product_desc').children('p').html();sProdImage = $container.children('td.product_thumb').html();if (sProdImage === null || typeof sProdImage == 'undefined') {sProdImage = '';}sProduct = sProdImage + '' + sProdName + ' (' + sQty + ')';} //- if ( jQuery('#prod_item_' + p_key).length > 0 )var sPWID = '&pw_id' + sAtcSfx + '=' + (jQuery('#pw_id_' + p_key).val() || '');if (parseFloat(sQty) > 0) {if (bUsingOrderDetailTableForCarts) {jQuery.ajax({url: 'i_i_add_to_cart.asp?ajax=listview&action=postlogic',data: 'type=ajaxadd&key=' + p_key + '&qty'+sAtcSfx+'=' + sQty + '&maxqty'+sAtcSfx+'='+iMaxQty + '&minqty'+sAtcSfx+'=' +iMinQty + '&multiplier_on_qty_display'+sAtcSfx+'='+iQtyMultiplier + sStockStatus + sUomData + sPWID,cache: false,type: sAtcType,dataType: 'json',success: function (jsonOrder) {handleAjaxATCSuccess(bIsAccessory, p_key, sProduct, jsonOrder);},complete: function (jsonOrder) {// Enable the ATC button for the particular product that it was clicked on.$('button.order_btn[data-pkey="' + p_key + '"]').prop('disabled', false).children('i.icon-spinner').remove();},error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {alert('Error: ' + errorThrown);}});} else {jQuery.ajax({url: 'i_i_add_to_cart.asp?ajax=listview',data: 'type=ajaxadd&key=' + p_key + '&qty'+sAtcSfx+'=' + sQty + sStockStatus + sUomData,cache: false,type: sAtcType,dataType: 'text',error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {alert('Error: ' + errorThrown);},success: function (oData) {handleAjaxATCSuccess(bIsAccessory, p_key, sProduct, oData);},complete: function () {// Enable the ATC button for the particular product that it was clicked on.$('button.order_btn[data-pkey="' + p_key + '"]').prop('disabled', false).children('i.icon-spinner').remove();}});} //- if ( bUsingOrderDetailTableForCarts )return true;} else {return false;}} catch (oError) {jQuery('.atc_msg').hide()return false;}} //- function ajaxAddKeys/** * This function the success of the ajax ATC call. * * @authorjohns * @since03/19/2013 * * @paramsP_Key (string): key of the product detail page loaded * @param$oProd (jQuery object): contains the html of the product info *to be loaded in the modal popup window * @parambIsAccessory (bool): is the call coming from product addon window * * @returnvoid */function handleAjaxATCSuccess(bIsAccessory, sP_Key, $oProd, jsonOrder) {/* * added js var to perform based on whether or not the item just added was an addon product * johns - 02/20/2013 */if ( bShowRecommendedItems && bIsAccessory ) {jQuery('#atc_msg_product').html('');jQuery('#qty_' + sP_Key).val('');jQuery('#atc_msg').css('height', '400px');} else if ( bShowRecommendedItems && ! bIsAccessory ) {jQuery('#atc_msg_product').html($oProd);jQuery.get('i_i_pc_add_ons.asp?searchstring=searchexact~p_id~' + sP_Key + '&modal=1&display=' + sRecommendedItemsView).done(function ( sData ) {jQuery('#atc_msg_addon_container').html(sData);if ( jQuery('#ors_eof_result').val().toLowerCase() !== 'false' ) { jQuery('#atc_msg').removeClass('with-recommended'); jQuery('.viewport').css('height', '0');jQuery('#atc_msg').show();jQuery('#atc_msg_container').show();} else {jQuery('#atc_msg').show();jQuery('#atc_msg_container').show();} //- if ( jQuery('#ors_result').val().toLowerCase() !== 'false'});jQuery('body').addClass('modal-open');try {if(typeof jsonOrder == 'undefined') {fncCartRefresh();} else {fncCartRefresh(jsonOrder[1].item_count, jsonOrder[1].o_total);}} catch(err) {// Silently fail because this is only relevant// with newer versions of cart preview}/* * normal ajax atc window * johns - 02/20/2013 */} else {jQuery('#atc_msg_product').html($oProd);jQuery('#atc_msg_buttons').show();try {if(typeof jsonOrder == 'undefined') {fncCartRefresh();} else {fncCartRefresh(jsonOrder[1].item_count, jsonOrder[1].o_total);}} catch(err) {// Silently fail because this is only relevant// with newer versions of cart preview}} //- if ( bShowRecommendedItems && bIsAccessory )if (!false) {populateAtcConfirmationModal(sP_Key).done(showAtcConfirmationModal);}runHook('handleAtcSuccess',{ProductKey: sP_Key});} //- function fncHandleAjaxATCSuccess ()if (bDisableATCZeroQtyWarehouse) {jQuery('td').delegate('[id^=pw_id_]', 'change', function(event) {if (jQuery(event.target).children(':selected').text().indexOf("(Qty: 0)") > -1 || jQuery(event.target).children(':selected').text() == "[Select One]") {sKey = jQuery(event.target).attr("id").replace('pw_id_', '')jQuery('#' + sKey + ' .btn_addtocart').attr('disabled', 'disabled')} else {sKey = jQuery(event.target).attr("id").replace('pw_id_', '')jQuery('#' + sKey + ' .btn_addtocart').removeAttr('disabled')}});}jQuery('[id*="get_wh_btn_"]').click(function(){var sPKey = '';sKey = $(this).attr("ID");sPKey = sKey.replace('get_wh_btn_','');fncGetNewProductWarehouse(sPKey);});function populateAtcConfirmationModal(sProductKey) {var aRequirements = [];// Return a promise representing when all the requirements are finished.return jQuery.when.apply(jQuery, aRequirements);}function populatePromoNotificationBar(sProductKey) {return jQuery.ajax({/* Can't use i_i_ page because the necessary classes are in the template. */url: 'pc_combined_results.asp',type: 'GET',dataType: 'html',data: {pageaction: 'promo_notification_bar',p_keys: sProductKey}}).done(function(sData) {if (sData.length > 0) {jQuery('#atc_msg').removeClass('modal-small').addClass('modal-large');jQuery('#atc_promo_bar').html(sData);jQuery('#atc_msg').one('hidden', resetPromotionNotificationBar);// The ticker cannot be started until the elements are visible.jQuery('#atc_msg').one('shown', function () {jQuery('#atc_promo_bar .notification-center').trigger('notification-center-added');});} else {resetPromotionNotificationBar();}}).fail(function() {console.error("Unable to retrive promotion messages");resetPromotionNotificationBar();});}function resetPromotionNotificationBar() {// Disable the notification bar before removing it so the function which runs on an// interval doesn't error on the missing elements.disableNotificationBar(jQuery('#atc_promo_bar'));jQuery('#atc_msg').removeClass('modal-large').addClass('modal-small');jQuery('#atc_promo_bar').empty();}function showAtcConfirmationModal() {jQuery('#atc_msg').modal('show');}function fncGetNewProductWarehouse(sPKey) {try {jQuery.ajax({url: sPageName, data: ({ pageaction : 'getproductwarehouse' ,ajax : genID() ,key : sPKey ,getall : bInStockShowEmptyWarehouses }), cache: false, dataType: "text", async: false, success: function(data){sDefaultWH = jQuery('#pw_id_' + sPKey).val();fncDrawNewProductWarehouse(data,sPKey);if (sDefaultWH.Len == 32) {jQuery('#pw_id_' + sPKey).val(sDefaultWH);} else {jQuery("#pw_id_" + sPKey + " option").not(':contains("Qty: 0")').filter(':first').attr('selected',true);}}}); } catch (err){ //alert(err.message); }}function fncDrawNewProductWarehouse(data,sPKey) {var aWareHouses, aSubWareHouses;var sDisplay;var bSelected = false;if (data!='') {$('#wh_td_' + sPKey).html('');aWareHouses = data.split('|');for (var i = 0; i < aWareHouses.length; i++ ){aSubWareHouses = aWareHouses[i].split('~');sDisplay = aSubWareHouses[0];sPwKey = aSubWareHouses[1];var newOption = new Option(sDisplay, sPwKey);$(newOption).html(sDisplay);$('#pw_id_'+sPKey).append(newOption);}} else {$('#wh_td_' + sPKey).html(sNoWarehouseFound);}}/* * Register Product warehouse selection * vinayakj - 6/29/2012 */jQuery('[name*="pw_id_"]').focus(function() {var sKey = $(this).attr("ID");var sPKey = sKey.replace('pw_id_','');if (jQuery('#pw_id_click_' + sPKey).val() != '1') {fncGetProductWarehouse(sPKey);}});/* * Get Product warehouse * author - vinayakj * since - 6/29/2012 */function fncGetProductWarehouse(sPKey) {try {jQuery.ajax({url: sPageName, data: ({ pageaction : 'getproductwarehouse' ,ajax : genID() ,key : sPKey }), cache: false, dataType: 'text', async: false, success: function(data) {fncDrawProductWarehouse(data, sPKey);jQuery('#pw_id_click_' + sPKey).val('1');$('#pw_id_' + sPKey).val(jQuery('#current_pw_id_' + sPKey).val());}}); } catch (err){ //alert(err.message); }}/* * This will draw Product warehouse with droplist * author - vinayakj * since - 6/29/2012 */function fncDrawProductWarehouse(data,sPKey) {var aWareHouses, aSubWareHouses;var sDisplay;var bSelected = false;$('#pw_id_'+sPKey).empty();//.append('

')if (data!='') {aWareHouses = data.split('|');for (var i =0; i < aWareHouses.length; i++ ){aSubWareHouses = aWareHouses[i].split('~');sDisplay = aSubWareHouses[0];sPwKey = aSubWareHouses[1];$('#pw_id_'+sPKey).append(new Option(sDisplay, sPwKey));}} else {$('#pw_id_'+sPKey).hide();$('#no_warehouse_'+sPKey).show();}}/** * Function to get sub search value and action, then passed to location * @author pijushb * @since 7/3/2012 */function subSearchForm() {sSubSearch = jQuery("#sub_search").val();sActionLink = jQuery("#sub_search_form").attr("action");sRedirectURL = sActionLink + "&sub_search="+sSubSearchwindow.location = sRedirectURL}//Added styled modal to use instead of alert() -JMSfunction styled_modal_alert(htmlmsg) {jQuery('#styled_modal_text').html(htmlmsg);jQuery('#styled_modal_container').show();jQuery('#styled_modal_msg').show();jQuery('#styled_modal_buttons').show();jQuery('body').addClass('modal-open page-overflow');}jQuery('#styled_modal_close').click(function(e){e.preventDefault();jQuery('#styled_modal_container').hide();jQuery('#styled_modal_msg').hide();jQuery('#styled_modal_buttons').hide();jQuery('#styled_modal_text').html('');jQuery('body').removeClass('modal-open page-overflow');});/** * Rating Stars * - gets score from data attribute on container * @author jonr * @since 1/27/2014 */jQuery(function ($) {$('.raty').raty({path: 'templates/gfx/',space: false,readOnly: true,width: 90,hints: ['Bad', 'Poor', 'Good', 'Very Good', 'Excellent'],score: function () { return $(this).attr('data-score'); }});// ddara - 9/22/2014// Once the ATC window is closed, call the close function to update the "My Cart" window// in the navbar at the top.$('#atc_msg').on('hidden', function () {closeCartLightbox();});// force HTML5 validation for the "step" attribute to not fire if the form has at least 1 input with step attribute set to a value > 1 [johns - 02/26/2016]$('form input').each(function() {if ($(this)[0].hasAttribute('step') && ( $(this).attr('step') !== '' || $(this).attr('step') > 1 )) {$('form').attr('novalidate', 'novalidate');return false;}});});// Broken Image Replacementvar utils = {};utils.handleImageError = function (img) {if ($(img).attr('src') !== 'images/no-image.png')$(img).attr('src', 'images/no-image.png');};



Where are K&L lifts made? ›

A: K&L tools are made at the company's 55,000 square foot manufacturing plant in South Korea, but the company's headquarters is in Santa Clara, California.

How far should a 2 post lift be from the wall? ›

As a rule of thumb, with a symmetrical lift, try to leave at least 12 feet from your posts to the back wall. If you have an asymmetrical lift to install, nine to 10 feet should be adequate. If you have more space available, think about how you can efficiently use that space.

Who owns K&L? ›

K&L was founded in Millbrae, California in 1976 by Todd Zucker and Clyde Beffa Jr. Currently we operate stores in Redwood City, San Francisco, Hollywood and Culver City CA. K&L has always remained a family business (Clyde and Todd are married to Kay and Linda).

Are BendPak lifts made in the USA? ›

BendPak has a long history of producing quality lifts, but many people don't know where they are made. The main manufacturing factory is headquartered in Santa Paula, California, but they have more distributing facilities across the united states.

Who makes the best car lifts? ›

Best Car Lifts
  • Aston ASL-FR9022 : Best Scissor Lift.
  • APlusLift HW-8SXLT : Best Four-Post Service & Storage Lift.
  • APlusLift HW-KOH : Best Two-Post Lift For Large SUVs & Pickups.
  • QuickJack 5000TL : Best Portable Lift for Quick Setup/Takedown.
  • TRIUMPH NSS-8 : Best Show/Classic Car Lift.
Jan 16, 2024

Where are Eagle lifts manufactured? ›

Eagle Equipment Co. has been a leader in the automotive lift industry for over 50 years. We sell only quality car lift products manufactured in the U.S. and China.

Where are Amgo lifts manufactured? ›

Amgo lift are designed for customers who seek the world-class products! We are one of the few manufacturers in China which lifts are passed CE, Australian safety approvals.

Where are rotary lifts built? ›

Equipment built with pride in Madison, Indiana. At Rotary, we do everything with quality, craftsmanship and innovation in mind.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

Last Updated:

Views: 5903

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (52 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.