The Southwest Mail from Nevada, Missouri (2024)


Charged 11th Murder of Frank Marsh, of Pittsburg. 3 Conviction Follows Trial When buying loose coffee or anything your grocer happena to have in his bin, how do you know what you are getting Some queer stones about coffee that is sold in bulk, could be told, if tbs people who handle it (grocers), cared to speak out Could any amount of mere talk Lave persuaded millions of housekeepers to use Lion Coffee, the leader ol all package coffees for over a quarter of a century, if they had not found it superior to all other brands in Purity, Strength, Flavor and Uniformity fills popular roeecM ot LION COFFEE be due only to Inherent merit. There ts no etronfier proof ol merit than continued and increasing popularity. If the verdict of MILLIONS OP HOUSEKEEPERS does not convince yon ot the merits ol LION COFFEE. It costs yon bat a trifle to boy a package.

It is the easiest way to convince yourself, and to make yon a PERMANENT PURCHASER. LION COFFER I. (old only Is 1 lb. waled nuktgM, od reacbftt joa para and clean wUea left cuf factory. Lion-heed on every package.

Sere these Lion-beaat for Ttloeble premium SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOL80N SPICE Toledo, Ohio. Our stock this spring is bigger and better than ever before. Ever housekeeper should see our line of MDOUGAL KITCHEN CABINETS. They save you many a step. I he price mns from $5.00 to $35.00.

We are showing seme very handsome pieces in Tuna Mahogany that are new and have not before A irs frer. C.y ti at President Rocse-velt is not to be follow ed by the House in his returnin' r.datlons that Congress provide for ll.e F-cb o' ifj of "imp coipo at'ons, and, if po fo CuLtlLl A i 5 in Sul e-tt The Ho i on i Vim. La- itjxit ti ol bt pi'si no i niunimil) dinjing toe right ot the Koch ia1 gove-rnneni (untiol of orp'. dot hiring that life o'Siitt-nre is notirtjrst onmiertc arid turn Congn-ss cannot take from the states thou polite powers Jhet it be said kindly and not oflnn-siveij, is tlic language of the report, that it is a monstrous doc trine, subversive of our dual ss-t'm of government to even suggei after the distiibution of these gre it great powers botw een the Fede al government and the states, that the federal gov eminent created by the st ites, can be taken from the stati the power they have always enjojed and which is expressly reserved to them bj the constitution. Hamilton himself never made such a claim The lepoit also refers to a declara turn of the court of the United States th it insurance is no tiiUistale connueup, that Congies cannot impair the police pavers of the stab If th to ti limit ORDER OF fit BLIC ATtON, IN VACATION In tbe Circuit Court of Vernon county, Missouri (Februaiy term, 1W6 U.

F. Conk ling, plaintiff, against Press Irons, M. Moran, Constituting Peoples Meat Muiket Company, delendants. Now on this 5th day of March, I90fl, comes the pi in the above entitled cause, by Attorney, and It appearing to tbeCourt that the Sheriff has made a non est return, as to all of the above uamed defeudants, and that they are non-residents of the Btate of Missouri, so that the ordinary process of Jaw can not be served upon them. It Is therefore ordered by the court aforesaid, that publication be made, notifying said defendants, Presa Irons, Moran, constituting Peoples Meat Market company that an action has been commenced against them by petition.

In the Circuit Court of Vernon county, In the state of Missouri, founded on a petition, the object and general nature of which 1b to obtain the revival of a certain judgment obtained in the Justice of the Pea court of H. M. Poage, a Justice of the Peace ithin and for Center township, Vernon county, Missouri on the 2nd day of March, lyu), in favor of G. Con ki ing, plaintiff and against Press Irons, M. Moran, and Peoples Meat Marketcompany, defendants, for the sum of oue bundled and three dollars and seventy five cents (Sl0d75) and coats of said suit.

ri hat on the said 2nd day of March, is wo, said plaintiff caused a transcript of said judgment, to be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Vernon connty, Missouri. That no part of said judgment has ever been paid, wherefore plaintiff prays judgment for said sum or one hundred and three dollars and seventy-five tents, with interest at the iateof8per tent per annum, and costs of suits, and that unless said defendants be and appear at the next term of said court, to be noidi at the court house in the City of Ne-vndatn the county and state aforesaid on the 1th Monda In May, A. 1. l'WH, and ou or before the fiist day thereof and plead, answer or demur to Plaintiff petition, the same wilt lie taken es confessed, and judgment tendered attordmgly. It is further ordered, that a copy hereof be published In the BorruwEST published in the city of Nevada, ounty of ernon, state of Missouri, for four weckssucceshlv tJy, the last insertion thereof lobe at least thirty days before the commencement of the next term ol said Court.

J. K.H GIF, Clerk. D. M. Gibson, Attorney for Plaintiff.

STATE OF MIHSOI Col MV OF VfcltNON, J. E. Iluif, clerk of the circuit court of Vernon count) aforesaid, hereby certify that the alo is a true copy of the original order of publication, in the cause therein named, as the same appears in my office. AV ftness my baud as clerk, and the hfal seal of said office. Done at office in Nevada, this 6th day ol March, 1906.

J0-4t J. E. Ill Clerk, been shown in Nevada. Remains Will Be Shipped Tomorrow to Dixon, California, for Interment. Theodore Diehr, a well-known resident of this city, passed away Monday at the residence of Mr.

and Mrs. AV, E. Stewart on AYest Austin street after an illness of several weeks, which was due to kidney trouble. The deceased was sixty-six years of age and had been for many years a citizen of Nevada. He was a good man of cheerful disposition and had many friends.

He was possessed of considerable property, he being a man of splendid judgment in business matters. The deceaseds wife preceded him to the grave a number of years ago and was buried at Dixon, and in pursuance to Mr. Diehrs request his remains will be shipped Tuesday morning to Dixon to be laid to rest beside those of his bt loved wife. Mr. Diehr leaves an adopted daughter, Mrs.

AV. E. Stewart, who has ever been devoted to Mr. Diehr during his life, his illness and in death. The sweetest ties of love existed between Mr.

Diehr and his adopted daughter. A brother, August Diehr, of this county, is also left to mourn the deceaseds departure. Mr. Diehr was a prominent member of the Masonic lodge, being a Knight Templar. Mr.

Diehrs funeral will be held Tuesday at the residence of AV. E. Stewart at 10 30 oclock. Masonic funt ral conducted by Dr. J.

H. Miller. HAS STOOD THE TEST 25 YEARS The old, oilgfnnt GIIUVEH Tasteless Chill io tie. You know wliat you are uiku g. tf ii on and quinine lu fxK.

tHBteiCHB fuuu. I. M. C.jH "untSSEO IN. Tae Clinton, Ei Cashier Began His Peaitejtiary Sentence Sunday Davenports, Couches, Parlor Suits and Odd Parlor Pieces is the best we have ever shown.

We ask you to see these goods and compare our goods and prices. iAlfAVilfAWAVAWAVAliAliAlfAl ii si 5. Nothin TURPIN Our line of ond Vi nartak: rv i W.LLF'Vf lts psi to Olt i uul a aUttfn Vt Tv 1 i i ih i I T. 1 i mi -ill. it iivilOl llJU JL 'h li IV a si or; 11 1,1 lib, OHO people i 1 i rn nf et md ti it 10 i mu )0 Hi reijun i to laVC tl Im-.

ell lOtlldlV peo-1 xntt ioia. 1 all gr Ale lor tlit lion Irani the f-iiond Kansas di 1 1 ic aieaion'j ol about 1 000 to 1 Me Sin't id'lir of the 'o I I' I i. i'll, ol, a splendid ft it to ii i tile lue.i' on a m.i'h hoe I id ji Ti I i "Ung tin si la im ith I 1 uuli spuat. and the vn i' be v. min t'virl 1 lit bet sulisi i 1 1 "i lu.i' Li 0 i I Ill.ll 11, I o.

s'ur' has rensln i 1 1 nme iv ml again that I 'Iv be IU lnl fiulu Ills i ') 1 New Land Jury Instructed in Insurance Case. Intent Is PraTan in Campaign Perkins, Cortelyon rnd Bliss May Be Indicted. York, March 24. If the 1 hiry which is investigating cu iht conditions developed by i i -nt legislative investigation a he, the c5nclusion that contribution i of insurance comjiany funds pouual campaign committees weie made with intent to deprive or dcfaml the true ov. ner of his prop-t rty.

it mist 11 ral that larceny was ecmi'iitt-d This opinion wa ex-pti yesterday by Justice OSul-1 ai in the court of general in answer to a presentment tm subject submitted to him by lie grand jurors. Judge OSullivan addud that it was not within the pic viime ot the comt to say whether or not theie was intent. That is a question which the jurors must deb inline for themselves from all the facts and circ*mstances in the case. He luirgt the Jui to make a thorough investigation into all the facts and to place the sponsibihty for such uimes, if tiny find that crimes were committed This opinion is in erieet direct!) opposite to one upon tin tame sublet which was given by Dmuict Athui.i Jerome sp eia1 dnvs i.go Mr. pro in in his In w-hmli was submitted to Je.tse "'dlivaii, that there wa.

no ground for proseci tion of an in" trance official in comic, tion with the campaign i jut. mi t.ois, taking the ground -h no i ion to defiaud had i hov Jt Ilf oul'ivan agrees witu the uii i i of the district attorney tha i'' -i 'oust have been present tc erne V-d 1 the crime of larceny, let cV1! that the question Iv 1 or i ot there was intent is a qucbtioi vvh'eh is yet to be deter-mini 1 onii( was in court yesterday and udge OSullivan had 1 opinion the district the grand jury to am, he desired to address b' 'll i pi t1 subject in question. 1 dedal to hat Judge O'Si llivan I id 'ndcoiKC i the subject win. bail eons a red and Unit it the i it held 0 its opinion it would I the di o. ihe grand jury to veil 'meld against George AV.

i i irmcM vice president ot t1 a 1 fe insurance com-) y. ') larce and against i eg 15 Oortelyo chairman, and Loi id us T. lbiss, treasurer of the liian national committee. 1 1 i i 1 1 ol stolen goods. Mr.

Jennie informed Judge O-'h 1 van that il he vould sit as a ii. Mate lie aid submit aifida-v to llii' acts by George Fii kins uni would ask for a for his arrest. He added la, in nut ot's ch warrant being i' sued a writ ot ha teas corpus would fol'o and that the ease would be la to the highest courts, where (la, d. strict attorn would retain Ai'on a ki as spei ial counsel, ludgi) Oiiliivan ch dined to grant the w.iii.iii, giving as his reason that the question at issue should be pas ail upon In the grand jury. Torture By Savages.

Speaking the loi'ure to hicn some ol the savage tubes in tho Philippines nil qc i their captives temmds meet tno intense sintering I iinvu lor thn months trni i mm oi tho ban i Si Mean, ol Cushing. "Nolhii'i; In" in' i util hint Elect! a Bittiis, till ii bottles ol a Inc i omph 1) cred me'. ures lav er Complaint. D) spepsia, Blood dsord' is nd Malaria; and restores ti, 1 vvea and nervous to robust Guarm teed by Baldwins i ")' Price 50c. S'1 Lrsa Icod Land to Rent, SUE0-FCF, 53,370,341.86.

Former PresiJTit JXurdy and His Kii Called oat) KoimturaP the Matuel Life. I '-'P1 sK Ilf I o. first t'OhS I fe 1 1 1 tM lo yrt tnd the Iv, I o.l Fj'jel Fm y. eol i aget I 1 Tl.i im, i at I nin i u. cl tio i la i id i ch," with the vfnte of lire Of Cl I bfHt gl Ti, -H on ni i'u i all rl untani 1 11 ss lid In ph i II, tin dc-ell't we ol hi 'lulls J' im eus to (too ot iiiam't "lie i O' i nises sold, ov-i i i ti ggi.guh ot uCiG.aOO, as oe t.

i to political p' tn jc i it 1 ISSj. phi ml a0 stateit to Ijiui sty nil'! in js'tC, fFi 000 1000 and to oe I to the md Ut dd, can cmpiign eoimiii'tee AaOll in lftot to tho Hi jiu'ibi sl cuie.ii'ssional loin nit't'c, and 0 a) el'll ac'O" Ihe vaiiuus c*nt i lotions ti stiln to bv Senator ait mg bci made to tho New Yu. lapublnan stab committee situ. Januai 2, lvs i. Cured Consumption.

Mrs 15. W. Evans, writes: My Inis'o uid lav sa for three months. The doctors 0 ho had cjuiclc We procured a bottle ol Hillard's llmo hound Sjrup, and it cured hnu J'hnt was six years ago and Mine then we luve always kept a bolt'e n. the house.

We cannot do wit. il For eouglis and colds it hi Fui niiur Southwest Mail. I I I 1 tj SOUTHWEST hlAil iKuul.Vb 00 1 J. Bf oOi hi DAILY or mailed) DAILY dui ah; 5 DAI riijT fcJirUM 1 An. A nU ill 3 I j.

i NEVA1 h.r:: i to suBscruievj is If jot! sue i ai 'in 'ii west Mail a dl rd pav i A numlier ol os i.etiiml several yeats a id in 'st on a settlement Don it lot ast i ment lobe mar! i to jo.r IwroF ai tho date on jout paper. uid jou ut soon tell how nuu owe (nun and see us or nd cheek ot po-t ol flee monev otd a tenewal ol your subset tpi i ri. ord olui e. WHAT GOOD K0M VV01LD DO. The coal famine i ect any particular c-itj ot eonm.

iih'vj but is mutt) or lo genet, d. it due largely to the supposit on tho winter was over bitme Maieli at rived There would, however, be no trouble about the fail epiet.on ll tho count) ol the numbu ot 1 ofpm'mamnt uia is it shoud. 'Dure would In in it; i oig, for it on was not nunc 0 wood mdu take its i i Good, substantial, pi imam count) roads would avo.d, nmc limes ol ten, any jms'ibioty uli er of im i or pj i oim Uuriocrat. The good i is i brought i 5 i os ioy ti tention ol ail tin ncpc'el and conn) ih's iun loan many jc. ojo h'F wo dd not ordy i a c-1 poss.blc ml i im t'u prospent) il,.v i-ness men gen rabv I n.m-.i- i I Jefferson City, March 25.

Thos. M. Casey, the defaulting cashier of the Salmon Salmon bank at Clinton, was dressed in at the penitentiary this afternoon to serve his five-year sentence. AVhen he came here yesterday evening from Harrisonville, where his case was transferred on a change of venue from Clinton, ho expected to go to the penitentiary this morning, but he changed his mind and spent the morning at the Madison hotel, reading the newspapers and writing letters to his wife and little boy and to friends. Sheriff Smart of Cass county, wlo accompanied Mr.

Casey, spent the morning visiting with old friends here. At noon he returned to the hotel, where he and Mr. Casey had luncheon together. At 2 oclock they left the hotel and walked to the penitentiary, where the sheriff turn-. ed the commitment papers over to I ssn Warden Hall and received his re-1 ceipt in return.

The sheriff bid r. Casey good-bye and tho latter thanked him for his kindness and requested him to visi him hen he was in Jefferson City. The unfortunate man accepted his fate quietly. lie will not be assigned to work until tomorrow, and it is probable that he will be given a clerkship in one of the offices. A Safe Cough Medicine for Children.

In buying a cough medicine for children never be afraid to buy Chamberlains Cough Remedy. There is no danger from it and relief is always sure to follow. It is especially valuable for colds, croup and whooping cough. For sale by all druggists. SN gj I gl gi gi gi 1 IE4 Carpet i P5H 3 OFFICIAL STATEMENT Of the Flnnncial Condition of the Thornton Banking Co.

At Nevada, state of Missouri, at the close of business on the 20th or March, 140H, published In the DA I IA MAII newspaper printed and published at Xetada, state of Missouri, on the 24th day of March, liHf RKHOlKChR Loans and discounts, personal or collateral 20B.8rift 8fi Loans, real estate 14, 500 00 Overdrafts 10,127 01 and stocks OoO 00 Heal estate (hanking house) 7,200 00 Other real estate ooo 00 Furniture and fixtures 2,000 00 Due from other banks and bankers, Furniture and The Prisoners, Two Brothers, Released, But Under Bond to Testify. Pittsburg, March 22. Justice AV. H. Holmes AVednesday at the conclusion of the preliminary bearing in the Frank Marsh murder case, held Pacific Chenet over to the district court without bail.

Batiste and Marco Chenet, the two younger brothers, were released. They were, however, put under bond of 1500 each to appear as witnesses. The defense introduced no testimony at all, relying solely upon the failure of the state to produce sufficient evidence to warrant holding the three brothers. County Attorney AVoyde spoke for the state, urging the holding of all three, but more particularly Pacific. Attorney Benjamin Gaitskill addressed the court for the defense.

It is evident from Justice Holmes remarks that the holding of Pacific Cheet, the one who was with Marsh on that fatal night, was due more to an exercise of caution to pn event a possibly illy man from esc aping without tv than to ihe pioduetion of really fungible, damaging evidence suthciei.t to eonv id 1 he case will be tried in the Pittsburg district com at tl May ti rni. The Italians umlniued unemotional and apparently unconcerned tlnoughout the tiioeeeclmgs Even annoum i ment that Pacific would beheld clanged with murder and ihut Baptiste and A areo wme once more free men piodueed, little visible effect Revetal c-ountr) men of the leleastd gathered round and congi atul them As was stated in a special dispatch to the Daily vil, Marsh was the victim of a horrible beating and was also shot. Marsh was a real-estate dealer who was alleged to have been implicated in deals to defraud the foreign element near Pittsburg and at the time he was killed it was believed he had been the victim of the foreigners spirit of revenge. Fie was dragged from a terribly beaten ond shot. MISSOURI REPUBLICANS WHO STOOD BY SPEAKER When the Statehood Fight Came Up In the House.

AVasiiinoton, March 23. Spi akor Cannon won his statehood fight in tho Houso yesterday by the narrow luajority of nineteen votes. The vote sending the Hamilton bill to a confereneo between the two houses was 175 yeas to 156 nays. Five Republican representatives from Kansas and five from Missouri eould have mado gt eater Oklahoma a state by voting with the Republicans and Democrats who protested against Oklahoma and Indian territory being yoked in tho statehood contest with New Mexico and Ariama. In order that the Sieakor might bo sustained, Curtis, Miller, Camp bell, Murdock and Bowersock (of Kansas voted to nonconcur and so so did Ellis, Tyndall, Shartel, Rhodes and Kopper of Missouri, Had these ten Republicans voted with the oppos-itam Oklahoma and Indian territoiy would have been admitted to statehood Under the rule adopted, the Speak er appointed as conletees on the pari of the House, Hamilton, Brick and Moan FTunnlton and Brick ar pi bn s.

A Chudgo Alderman Owes His Eleo tion to Chamberlain Cough Remedy. I can heartilv and conscientious' ly recommend Chamberlains Cough Remedy for all actions of the throat and lungs, says Hon. John Shen iek, 220 South Peoria Chicago, Two years ago during a political campaign. I caught cold after being overheated, which irritated my throat and I was finally compelled to stop, as 1 could not speak aloud In my extremity a friend advised me to use Chamberlains Cough Remedy. I took two doses that af tornoon and could not believe my senses when I found the next morn ing the inflammation had largely subf ided.

I took sov oral doses that day, kept right on talking through the campaign, and I thank this medi cine that I won my seat in the council. This remedy is for sale by all druggists. The Mail is informed that Joe AVelborn, a substantial citizen of Moundville township, was seen re cently stepping around in a high hat and his neighbors drew the conclusion that he was sprucing up to be a candidate not so. Hes a proud grand-pa. His daughter, Mrs.

Madge Martin lately presented her husband with a fine boy. Gives Health, Vigor and Tone Herbine is a boon for sufferers from aneamia. By its use the blood is quickly regenerated and the color becomes normal. The drooping strength is revived. The languor diminished.

Health, vigor and tone predominate. New life and happy activity results. Mrs. Belle li Shriel, Middlesborough, 111., writes: I have been troubled with liver complaint and poor blood, and have found nothing to benefit me like Herbine. I hope never to be without it.

I have wished that I had known of it in my husbands life tune. 50c. For sale by all druggists. J. J.

Devine, of returned home fnmi Fcttis county, where he punha.scd a fine blooded stab ion, Dillon, Jr. The Sedulia Democrat saj Dillon, Jr, is a dark bay, 16 hands high, weighs 1.200 pounds and goes all of the saddle The animal is one of the best that ever left, Pettis county ana Mr. Devine is to be congratulated upon having become its owner. Local Undertakers for the PStf National Cooperative i Burial Association. I equal by all ie driu TiOe and $1 00, For mm DiTizENS SEIZE TWO COM.

GARS. Liowd lilidf O' I Koktgirj.y iV 3 0 01 1 1 it tty and Mid SI ra A3 Membership Growing Rapidly NOTICE OF SPECIAL STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Office of Missouri Watfr, Light and Thai tion Company. Nevada, Behiuary 7th, 1906. Notice Is hereby glveu that a special meeting of the Htot kholders of the Missouri Water, Light and liaitlou Company will be held at the office of the Company.

In the Dm Bloik, in the city of Nevada, Missouri, on Monday the sixteenth day of April, 190b, at the hour of nine oclo a. for the purpose of voting upon a pioposltiuu then and thei to be submitted to increase the Capital stock of this ompany from One Hundred Jhousand Dollais (100,000 00) its present au-t hoi led capita), to One Million Dollars, and also to vote upon a pioposltlon then and tin. re to be submitted to increase the bonded indthtedntss ol this Company from One liunditd 1 housttnd Dollars, ($100,000 00) its prestnt bonded debt, to One Million Dollars, and loi the tiansac lion of such other business as may pioperly come before said meeting. GORE, President, A. RAN DALL, Wecretary.

K. E. tOLLINH, 2i td A majoilty of the Directors. ORDER OF PUBLICATION IN VACATION In the i Ircuit Court of Vernon county, Mis-kouiI, (Bthrmtiy term, lOOti.J Hteictt, plaintiff, against Charles ilai per, defendant. Now, on this day of March, 1906, It being the 12th day of said February term, of said lourt, tomes the plaintiff in the nlM)e entitled cause and files his lUtiduv It, stating amongst other things that the above named defendant, Charles li.

llarpu Ik a non-resident of the state of Missouri, so that the oidlnary process of law cannot be sei vid upon him in this state. It Is therefore oraoied by the court aforesaid, that publication be made, notify lug said deltndant, I harles H. Harper that an action has been com- petition in the circuit soui founded on a petition the ohTect at 8r genei al an tine of hn is to leeover a judgment on iicu lain pioiuibsory note, executed said 4 limits H. Haiper as principal, and Htm tt, as sc mit, dated ill, 1KH4, to Johannes and Hons, for Ninety-live Dollais, due on or be lore Heptember 29, IN'), vvilli Inteicst thereon, from date, at Die rate of Iglit peiceut per annum, compounded annually and an amount equal to eight pel cent, ol the principal sum of said note ns attaints lee. said note the said A.

C. Hlerctt as compelled to pay and ihesnhlA.t. Sleutt has assigned all his light, title and interest in said note to the plaintiff in rc in, and to subiogate tilts plain-ill! to all the i ights ud equities of said N. Johannes A Hons. And an attachment has hcen issued, In nid thereof against all the rigiit, title and Intel est ol said harles H.

Uuiptt, in and to tho toliovving described estate situ ited In ernon county, is-sout to-u It. 'I he southeast quarter of the southeast qunitcr of sec tion eighteen (18) and the southw st quarter of the southwest quai ter ol sc etlon sc inteen (17) all In township thlity-ilve (ir tange twenty-nine (29) uni that unless deluniant be and appear nt the next teim of said court, to be holden at the couit house in the eltv of Nevada, in the county and state aforesaid, on the 4th Monday in May, A. 1906. uid on or before the first day theieof and plead, answet oi demur to plaintiff's petition, the sumo will be taken as confessed and judgment icndeted accordingly and bis said above di sell bed land sold to satisfy said Judgment. It Is lui ther mdered, that a copy hereof be publishtd in he Hex i a fht Mail, a newspaper published lu the city of Nevada, county of Vernon, state of Missouri, foi four weeks the last Insertion thereof to be at least thirty days bctoie thecoiumcnccment of the next tei iu ol said coutl.

.1. E. HUFF, Clerk. STATE OF MIHSOI RI. 1 County ofVfhnov, 1, J.

Huff, dei of the circuit court of Veinon touiiiv, aluicsnid, etc by certify Imt the above is ti ue copy of the original until of public ailon, in the cause therein named, us lit same appeals In my office, it ness my hand as clerk, and shAL rcm! ol said offlc e. Done at office lu Nevada, this 3rd day of March 1906. ttU J. K. UUF, Clerk.

TRl H'J UKS SALE. Whereas, John Hull and LDsle Hull, his wife, by thcii curtain doed of trust datea tiie lothduv of August, 1904, and recorded In the office ol ret oi der ol deeds within and for (uion county, Missoni 1, in mortgage book 79, at page conveyed to Alvin llaiii-i. as tiustce, the following lesnihed nil estate situate In the county of ernon and state of Mlssou-ii, tow if Lot live In block one, of Lameys addition to Nevada, Mo hicli said deed of ti UKt as made In ti list to secure to Leek Hauls, the pav ment of thirty-eight promissory note therein chserilttd, each for Ten Dollars, the lit st failing due the I th day of Hpptc miter, 1904, and one fa 11 ing due on the 15th day of em ti month thereulter until all have been matuied And hereas, the note due October the 1 th, 1904, and ail that have mat ui eu aim that day are now past due and unpaid. And here is, It is fui ther prov ided iu said deed ol ti list Hint 11 the sain trustee should fail oi reluse to act as such trustee In ihe sale of lid real estate that the (then) ac ting slu i iff of eimm county, Missouri, at the request of the legal holder of said notes nmv proceed to sell said property. And hereas said trustee has failed and refused toaet as such trustee and the legal holder of said notes fins requested me, the undersigned, acting sheriff ol Neman county, Mlssou-1 1, lose ll said properl under the provisions ot said triiMt deed.

Ami htreas. It having been decided at a recent spec ial election held in said county to vote upon the pioposiUon, tiiat a new court house shall le built in said county, which necessitates the vacating and removing of the present court house Irom the site upon with it stands, and hereas, at the February term of the circuit court of said county, and on the 28th dny of ebruary, 1906, it Waa ordered and adjudged by said court, that the fui tiier sessions ami meetings of said court he luhi tn the Vrmoiy Hxll on Month Main stiett until tin further order of said court. Now thr tore, in ate otdance with the pro isions ot said 1 ot trust, and at the re-puM ol tin legal holder of said notes, 1 the umlusigut sin. i iff, ill on atTi tay of APRIL, 1906, between the hours of nine oclock, a. m.

and fiv lot p. ni, of that day, at said Armory l(aii, at No. IN and 121, South Main street, now Intlng used as the circuit court house ithin and for said county, in the clt of Nev ada. count ami state aforesaid, sell said real estate, at public vendue, to the highest bidder lor ensii, to satisfy said notes and Interest thereon, and the cost and expense of executing tills trust. R.

MOORE, Sheriff of Vernon County, Missouri, and ami Acting Trustee. 8l-4t STANDARD DIP For sheep, hogs, cattle, horses, ts and nil live stock. Used by partments of the National Government. The best known tick and lice destroyer, germicide, purifie and antiseptic; destroyes the germs and protects stock from contagious or infectious diseases. Tallagh's Drug Store "On the Square," S.

E. WILLIAM JACOBS WiU pay the highest cash prices for Hide, Wool, Furs, Eto. Successor to M. Baum at the old stand. 120 East Walnut Street It.

1 i u. Lit i o-1 or ti eonlei a i i t1 i senate, out! Ill' to. I 'i. rhiUi mb i tel i us i 'ho i. the is I Ei P'e 1 i in 1 i i 1 ir 1 h'1 ht eh 'ir rg ci 1 to i 1' 1 Soneone for some inconceivable reason, is waging a fearful warfare against dogs in the west part of the city.

Several fine bird dogs have been victims of the poisoner. J. Ben Robinsons fine dog," one owned by Dr. AV. L.

Callaway, G. R. Godfrey's 8100 dog, E. T. Steele.

J. P. Stephenson and several others have lost their dogs. The officers are making an effort to find out who is killing the dogs. Invaluable for Rheumatism, I have been suffering for the past few years with a severe attack of rheumatism and found that Ballards Snow Liniment was the only tiling that gave mo satisfaction and tended to alleviate my pains.

March 24, 02-JohD C. Degnan, Kinsman, Ills. 25c, 50c, and $1.00. For sale by all druggists. As usual, the Thornton banking company makes an excellent showing in its financial statement, which appears in the Mail.

This splendid banking institution has weathered the financial storms of many years and still stands solid as a stone wall. Its individual deposits aggregate $233, ,037.00. The bank is in a prosperous condition and holds its own with the leading banks of the state. John Beck and Mrs. Rosa Rardin, both of Stotesbury, this county, were united in mnrrige Friday, March 23rd by Judge L.

N. Kennedy of this city. There le more Catarrh In this section of the country than all other diseases put to gether, and until the last few years was sup posed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced It a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it in cura ble Science has pro en iatarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefote requires constitutional treatment. Halls Catarrh Cure, manufactured by b.

J. Cheney Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It la taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a tea-spoonful. It acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it falls to cure.

Hend for circulars and testimonials. Address F. J. i HtNNKY A Toledo, O. Bold by all Druggists.

75c. Take Hall's fcainily Fills for constipation. Sclence offers to (be world her lak-sf discovery for all Kidney ud Bladder Dlaeaaca sad Rheumatism. ll has startled the Kicouftc world. Red Lion Kidney Pills are a re relation to people suffering from any disease of the Kidneys, Bladder, Blood sr Rheumatism.

They are put up to a neat wooden bos containing fifty Pilla. aad sold at Fifty Cents a Bos. or sent by mail on receipt of pnen. Sample Free. Sesd-yoor name to Bellegb A Cft THE TEXAS WONDER.

Cures all Kidney, Bladder and Rheumatic troubles; sold by ali druggists; or two months treatment by mail for $1.00. Dr. E. AV. Hall, 2926 Olive street, St.

Louis. Send for Missouri testimonials. 123.i23 1 yr. Fred A. Dulton has purchased the residence cn North Washington street occupied by Uncle Ben Neu bar.

There is nothing worse than an offensive breath. It comes from bad stomach and liver. Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea cures all liver disorders and perfumes the breath. 35 cents Tea or Tablets. Baldwins drug store.

Win. M. Miller and Mrs. Sarah Johnson, both of Fort Scott, were married by Probate Judge Myers recently. Day, Grip in Two.

on Box. 25c. to mark', -the coal bai Good road" farm proport i i u. iu i i he P.i octet prise drag them as c.l i'a i k. 1 1 etc St Lar.s Tom Neid ay lit public an organ a coalition oh th forces and hop' for a ill IP Sa a.

I iv i i. vet' Vi i wav JO 1 1 i 1 Olillse At otsT Aintmte, who suer the Am, league foi t-a )' ccived by being a 1 has been award, i by a jury. i ili. CSKBaBTRl Taking Cold Habit The old cold goes; a new one quickly comes. Its the story of a weak throat, weak lungs, a tendency to consumption.

Ayers Cherry Pectoral breaks up the taking-cold habit. 1 It strengthens, soothes, heals, Ask your doctor about it. The beat kind of a testimonial Sold for over aia.y years A Md by (J I Alto ne ot SaRS4PAa1gU. Pit LS. HAiil VIGOR.

yers bTf no We the foriroJa of cur mMirmw. Kep ih bcvweia Ayer Pil-S, yst on pin each it In ill i 1 m'T (, it i nd uf tm ii ju 1 1 1 t't i i i i Vet pc til to M'a Ub that inigli it fib. On' 1. I c-t as t.iM a lunged to the billy weighed load. It is In inge, and dl 1 ji.

id fur s. issPECTlaeoFFiG-n WALSH HERE SATURDAY. Cant II n. AA'alsh ot tho Cal-, i) U. S.

A stationed at Ft. Lea cn worth, was here Saturday and inspected Co II, tho Set ond 15 gi-uient hospital department and tht 2nd Regiment band. Our boys a good showing and no doubt Capt Walsh was favorably impressed v. ith be men and the new armory. Capt AA'alsh accompanied bv Col.

Mifi la 11 went to Ii mar this afternoon to Co. I i Auehaiu county recent') Janus Fdwauls sh(1t and killed John Oldham, mni Thompson station, in a dispute over monev mat tors. The tragedy occurred ut Edward home. There was jo eye witness of the killing, but r.dwanls claims it as done in self deft so. Edwards has a sister.

Mrs. D. A. Long, residing this tv. and who is un.ih affected ovei the tiagedv appevrs it.

Uiilham had leased and the iron hark ti 'VjLhor Edit' ai-uso over a failure to eflect a satifat tory settle ment Edwards is over 60 3 ear of age He voluntarily pla ed himself I under arrest I I tiit i i i I 1. r. -a i I I' 1 I'T'csi' -1 l.l ll II 1 Lb 'l' mg it's sw ia ond 1 in lie Jm net i i rc-ultofa a pu t. i ta. And is it cue ol tticu-'sities of i'li Uais allei ti IV I r.e 111 1 1, i Ists liavi s.

tX li hit i u-vf al 1 ai tr i i i' ti it i nt i o' Two oi railroads Missouri 'o thrown into receivership, a cording to the Kansas it Journal. for operating and controlling ii, 1 liis in this suite, proceedings to 1 sfituled bv Atle rimy-j(" 11. Hi AA ith the pit tie mg ot is fight with the fit'll'! ,1 1 1 eompjnv. said the Altq in" in rat is planning to at-lick roads owning p.iieliel and i rst a hue i lg 1 hie I li viol. tl" institution of by rem luemg Agents of tile At-torie -Gene ral have been ut woik semi? days getting facts.

Principal an org the roaels to be attacked are tho Burlirgt in, wliuh owns the Quii Ounha and Kansas City, a p.m1'1 line, anti the riseo. which ow ns tl Kansas City Clinton anti Spruvin'Ul, p.vrTehu its own line am? tl.o Mwoui'i Tat ifu and Va-d oah, iMtii Gouul piopirluis and par llels. aithorgh the ow nership in tht cast of these lattir sterna is not so clear as in the malar of the Buziufctou and TnstO. I o' manv FACTS IN NATURE. Not Only Do We Qet Inspiration From Nature, But Health as Well.

Tor pi oy)c who are run-down and nervous, who bufl from indirection or d5s-im pMs luMild he. biliousness, or torpid ecvted toiiruo uith bitter tasto in lue nonmu and poor appetite, it be-conr nr u'-" irv turn to some tonic or tu 11-1 hour whuh will aMst Nature aid help tiien to on their feet and im Vbrth ioio it proper condition. It lo'oTi 11 1 more an I more apparent that Nutans ui alutble health giving D'r ris an to ho found lu forest plants uu I ts, a 1 1 ftir'vjears Dr. R.V. Pierce.

row coU'Um phjsieian to the Invalids Rood and Instituto, at Buffalo, N. tipuicd that by sciontiiically etrj tiu and combining certain medici-nd jiniHiphs from nitive roots, taken Ictpi our American inrosts, he could profit a nudieme which uas marvelously ch 1 ia cmimr caesof blood dlaorder ni 1 1 a and Momai trouble as well as man ahor ehn ie. or lingering ail-mun ih.s eoncentratrd extract of .11 'V vitiiiitv Ih named "Golden Mtd-i 1 D'-coven. It purities the blood by i lug the ntonia and liver Into he hv condition, thereby helping the in. non and aimil itlon of fKxi which fu the IiIinkJ llurebv it cures weak h.

mu if'ti'in. torpid liver, or bil-louvu and kmund derangements. If a cat toneue, with bitter or bad la-te ju the morning, frequent h'miich'M for weak, easily tired, stitches or un iu gtv es out easily and fin's Iw'hhtig of pas constipation, or ins gul, ir bow feel Hashes of heat mating unii chdiv sensations or kindred svniptoms, they point to derangement of voiir stomach, mer and kidneys, the "Gtiidi Milic-al Discovery" will c'nst morn ixM'dily and permanently than auv other known agent. Contains no alcohol or habit-forming drugs. Ail its msrred.ents primed in plain English on vripHr.

The sole motive for pnhtitntion is to permit tho d' to nuke a little more proitt. lie ga ns; 011 lose Accept nosnb stituto for Gulden Medic il Discovery." CnnsRpvtmn can es pnd aggravates m'inv -ir is ji fs thoroughly enrol tv lr Pierre PIm-an lleta. two or throe are cathartic. to check Individual deposltsaubjecttocheck 233, UJ7 06 Time certificates of deposit OOG 00 Demand certificates of deposit 000 00 i'nshier'a checks 000 00 BIIIb payable and re-discounts 000 00 Other liabilities as follows 000 IO Total $36,271 74 STATE OF MlH.SOtTRI, County of eknon, We, 8. MIGHT, as president, and J.

HARDING, as cashier of said bank, each of us, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of our knowledge and belief. S. A. WIGHT, President. J.

E. HARDING, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before mo, this 24th day of March, A. nineteen hundred and six. Witness my hand and notarial SKALjseal on the date last aforesaid 'y') Commissioned and qualified for a term expiring Jan.

17th, 1910.) CUAH. H. BROW Notary Public. Correct Attest: R0BIN80N,) CU AS THOM. Directors.

C.O. BCRTON, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P.

Beard of Moundville were Monday visitors to Nevada. Witness Fees anil Notes Bought. Quick square deals on all kinds tf paper. Farm loans made lowes rates. Chattel mortgage loans procured.

All business confidential and quick. John S. Harper, 1 door west Thornton Bank. 160i30-tf Always Remember the Full Name Jaxative jjromo Quinine Cures a Cold in Ons.

The Southwest Mail from Nevada, Missouri (2024)


When was Nevada, MO founded? ›

On October 1, 1855, a special commission of non-residents selected the site of Nevada. The entire 50 acres cost the county $250. The following day the commission reported its action to the county court, and the body approved everything that had been done.

Why do some people say Missoura instead of Missouri? ›

Evidently, French explorers were the first Europeans to use the word Missouri, and English speakers borrowed it from the French. This is probably the source for the Missour-ee pronunciation, since that is how French speakers would pronounce the final-i.

How do Missouri people say Missouri? ›

More than 90% said they live in Missour-ee and 9.5% said they live in Missour-uh, according to a St. Louis University (SLU) press release. “After growing up in Missouri, I was surprised so few Missouri voters used the Missouri-uh pronunciation,” said Steven Rogers, Ph.

What is the first black town in Missouri? ›

The oldest African-American community to be incorporated in Missouri, Kinloch was home to a vibrant and flourishing black community for much of the 19th and 20th century.

What is the race population in Nevada Missouri? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Nevada, MO are White (Non-Hispanic) (89.8%), Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (4.29%), White (Hispanic) (3.09%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (1.22%), and Two+ (Hispanic) (0.615%).

What is the oldest town in Missouri? ›

Genevieve, the first permanent white settlement in what is now Missouri, was founded by 1750. The Treaty of Fontainebleau, which would transfer French Louisiana to Spain, was signed on November 3, 1762.

How do locals pronounce Nevada? ›

Nevadans say “neh-VAD-uh.” Non-Nevadans typically say “neh-VAH-duh.” So I texted Dee Foster, a friend of mine who grew up in Reno, to ask if she would be interested in talking about her home state.

Is there a city called Nevada in Missouri? ›

Nevada is located in the Southwest portion of the State of Missouri. Originally called Nevada City, the community grew out of the municipal organization of Vernon County and was chosen as the county seat in 1855.

How is Nevada, Iowa pronounced? ›

Nevada, IA:

Pronouncing this town the same way as the state itself would be too easy. In Iowa, Nevada is pronounced "neh-VAY-duh." Also fascinating: despite having a significantly smaller population than Ames, Nevada is the county seat of Story County, per The Des Moines Register.

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.