The Surprising Origins of 9 Common Superstitions (2024)


The Surprising Origins of 9 Common Superstitions (1)

Some superstitions are so ingrained in modern English-speaking societies that everyone, from lay people to scientists, succumb to them (or, at least, feel slightly uneasy about not doing so). But why don't we walk under ladders? Why, after voicing optimism, do we knock on wood? Why do nonreligious people "God bless" a sneeze? And why do we avoid at all costs opening umbrellas indoors?

Find out the origins of all these familiar customs, and more.

"It's bad luck to open an umbrella indoors."

The Surprising Origins of 9 Common Superstitions (2)

Though some historians tentatively trace this belief back to ancient Egyptian times, the superstitions that surrounded pharaohs' sunshades were actually quite different and probably unrelated to the modern-day one about raingear. Most historians think the warning against unfurling umbrellas inside originated much more recently, in Victorian England.

In "Extraordinary Origins of Everyday Things" (Harper, 1989), the scientist and author Charles Panati wrote: "In eighteenth-century London, when metal-spoked waterproof umbrellas began to become a common rainy-day sight, their stiff, clumsy spring mechanism made them veritable hazards to open indoors. A rigidly spoked umbrella, opening suddenly in a small room, could seriously injure an adult or a child, or shatter a frangible object. Even a minor accident could provoke unpleasant words or a minor quarrel, themselves strokes of bad luck in a family or among friends. Thus, the superstition arose as a deterrent to opening an umbrella indoors."

"It's bad luck to walk under a leaning ladder."

The Surprising Origins of 9 Common Superstitions (3)

This superstition really does originate 5,000 years ago in ancient Egypt. A ladder leaning against a wall forms a triangle, and Egyptians regarded this shape as sacred (as exhibited, for example, by their pyramids). To them, triangles represented the trinity of the gods, and to pass through a triangle was to desecrate them.

This belief wended its way up through the ages. "Centuries later, followers of Jesus Christ usurped the superstition, interpreting it in light of Christ's death," Panati explained. "Because a ladder had rested against the crucifix, it became a symbol of wickedness, betrayal, and death. Walking under a ladder courted misfortune."

In England in the 1600s, criminals were forced to walk under a ladder on their way to the gallows.

"A broken mirror gives you seven years of bad luck."

The Surprising Origins of 9 Common Superstitions (4)

In ancient Greece, it was common for people to consult "mirror seers," who told their fortunes by analyzing their reflections. As the historian Milton Goldsmith explained in his book "Signs, Omens and Superstitions" (1918), "divination was performed by means of water and a looking glass. This was called catoptromancy. The mirror was dipped into the water and a sick person was asked to look into the glass. If his image appeared distorted, he was likely to die; if clear, he would live."

In the first century A.D., the Romans added a caveat to the superstition. At that time, it was believed that peoples' health changed in seven year cycles . A distorted image resulting from a broken mirror therefore meant seven years of ill-health and misfortune, rather than outright death.

"When you spill salt, toss some over your left shoulder to avoid bad luck."

Spilling salt has been considered unlucky for thousands of years. Around 3,500 B.C., the ancient Sumerians first took to nullifying the bad luck of spilled salt by throwing a pinch of it over their left shoulders. This ritual spread to the Egyptians, the Assyrians and later, the Greeks.

The superstition ultimately reflects how much people prized (and still prize) salt as a seasoning for food. The etymology of the word "salary" shows how highly we value it. According to Panati: "The Roman writer Petronius, in the Satyricon, originated 'not worth his salt' as opprobrium for Roman soldiers, who were given special allowances for salt rations, called salarium 'salt money' the origin of our word 'salary.'"

"Knock on wood to prevent disappointment."

The Surprising Origins of 9 Common Superstitions (6)

Though historians say this may be one of the most prevalent superstitious customs in the United States, its origin is very much in doubt. "Some attribute it to the ancient religious rite of touching a crucifix when taking an oath," Goldsmith wrote. Alternatively, "among the ignorant peasants of Europe it may have had its beginning in the habit of knocking loudly to keep out evil spirits."

"Always 'God bless' a sneeze."

The Surprising Origins of 9 Common Superstitions (7)

In most English-speaking countries, it is polite to respond to another person's sneeze by saying "God bless you." Though incantations of good luck have accompanied sneezes across disparate cultures for thousands of years (all largely tied to the belief that sneezes expelled evil spirits), our particular custom began in the sixth century A.D. by explicit order of Pope Gregory the Great.

A terrible pestilence was spreading through Italy at the time. The first symptom was severe, chronic sneezing, and this was often quickly followed by death. [Is It Safe to Hold In a Sneeze? ]

Pope Gregory urged the healthy to pray for the sick, and ordered that light-hearted responses to sneezes such as "May you enjoy good health" be replaced by the more urgent "God bless you!" If a person sneezed when alone, the Pope recommended that they say a prayer for themselves in the form of "God help me!"

"Hang a horseshoe on your door open-end-up for good luck."

The Surprising Origins of 9 Common Superstitions (8)

The horseshoe is considered to be a good luck charm in a wide range of cultures. Belief in its magical powers traces back to the Greeks, who thought the element iron had the ability ward off evil. Not only were horseshoes wrought of iron, they also took the shape of the crescent moon in fourth century Greecefor the Greeks, a symbol of fertility and good fortune.

The belief in the talismanic powers of horseshoes passed from the Greeks to the Romans, and from them to the Christians. In the British Isles in the Middle Ages, when fear of witchcraft was rampant, people attached horseshoes open-end-up to the sides of their houses and doors. People thought witches feared horses, and would shy away from any reminders of them.

"A black cat crossing your path is lucky/unlucky."

The Surprising Origins of 9 Common Superstitions (9)

Many cultures agree that black cats are powerful omens but do they signify good or evil?

The ancient Egyptians revered all cats, black and otherwise, and it was there that the belief began that a black cat crossing your path brings good luck. Their positive reputation is recorded again much later, in the early seventeenth century in England: King Charles I kept (and treasured) a black cat as a pet. Upon its death, he is said to have lamented that his luck was gone. The supposed truth of the superstition was reinforced when he was arrested the very next day and charged with high treason.

During the Middle Ages, people in many other parts of Europe held quite the opposite belief. They thought black cats were the "familiars," or companions, of witches, or even witches themselves in disguise, and that a black cat crossing your path was an indication of bad luck a sign that the devil was watching you. This seems to have been the dominant belief held by the Pilgrims when they came to America, perhaps explaining the strong association between black cats and witchcraft that exists in the country to this day.

"The number 13 is unlucky."

Fear of the number 13, known as "triskaidekaphobia," has its origins in Norse mythology. In a well-known tale, 12 gods were invited to dine at Valhalla, a magnificent banquet hall in Asgard, the city of the gods. Loki, the god of strife and evil, crashed the party, raising the number of attendees to 13. The other gods tried to kick Loki out, and in the struggle that ensued, Balder, the favorite among them, was killed.

Scandinavian avoidance of 13-member dinner parties, and dislike of the number 13 itself, spread south to the rest of Europe. It was reinforced in the Christian era by the story of the Last Supper, at which Judas, the disciple who betrayed Jesus, was the thirteenth guest at the table.

Many people still shy away from the number, but there is no statistical evidence that 13 is unlucky .

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The Surprising Origins of 9 Common Superstitions (11)

Natalie Wolchover

Natalie Wolchover was a staff writer for Live Science from 2010 to 2012 and is currently a senior physics writer and editor for Quanta Magazine. She holds a bachelor's degree in physics from Tufts University and has studied physics at the University of California, Berkeley. Along with the staff of Quanta, Wolchover won the 2022 Pulitzer Prize for explanatory writing for her work on the building of the James Webb Space Telescope. Her work has also appeared in the The Best American Science and Nature WritingandThe Best Writing on Mathematics, Nature, The New Yorker and Popular Science. She was the 2016 winner of the Evert Clark/Seth Payne Award, an annual prize for young science journalists, as well as the winner of the 2017 Science Communication Award for the American Institute of Physics.

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The Surprising Origins of 9 Common Superstitions (2024)


What are some origins of superstitions? ›

The surprising origins behind common superstitions are often fascinating. Ancient Romans believed mirrors held fragments of our souls, and that shattering them therefore represented a crack in our souls, too. We wish on shooting stars because a Greek astronomer thought they were proof that the gods were spying on us.

What are the 10 superstitious beliefs? ›

10 Common and Intriguing Superstitions
  • 1. Friday the 13th: Bad Luck. ...
  • Itchy Palm: Good Luck. ...
  • Walking Under a Ladder: Bad Luck. ...
  • Breaking a Mirror: Bad Luck. ...
  • Finding a Horseshoe: Good Luck. ...
  • Opening an Umbrella Inside: Bad Luck. ...
  • Knock Twice on Wood: Reverse Bad Luck. ...
  • Tossing Spilled Salt Over Your Shoulder: Good Luck.
Jun 8, 2023

What are the most common superstitions in the world? ›

  • Placing a hat on a bed.
  • Three on a match.
  • Tipping a salt shaker over.
  • Viewing one's doppelgänger may be considered a harbinger of bad luck.
  • Killing a ladybug.
  • Walking under a ladder.
  • Black cat crossing one's path.
  • Picking up a penny with the tails side up.

What the most unusual superstition you can find is? ›

The Weirdest Superstitions From Around the World
  • It's true: In South Korea, people believe that running a fan in a closed room while sleeping will kill you. ...
  • Avoid empty buckets at all costs if you're traveling through Russia. ...
  • Walking backwards is considered very bad luck in Italy and Portugal.
Aug 25, 2016

What is the origin of the number 13 superstition? ›

The number 13 may be associated with some famous but undesirable dinner guests. In Norse mythology, the god Loki was 13th to arrive at a feast in Valhalla, where he tricked another attendee into killing the god Baldur. In Christianity, Judas — the apostle who betrayed Jesus — was the 13th guest at the Last Supper.

What is the real reason behind superstitions? ›

Wanting more control or certainty is the driving force behind most superstitions. We tend to look for some kind of a rule, or an explanation for why things happen. "Sometimes the creation of a false certainty is better than no certainty at all, and that is what much of the research suggests," says Vyse.

What are six common superstitions? ›

Speaking of superstitions, here are eight common superstitious notions and the meaning behind them.
  • Opening Umbrellas Inside. ...
  • Black Cats. ...
  • Walking Under Ladders. ...
  • Breaking Mirrors. ...
  • Tossing Spilled Salt Over Shoulder. ...
  • Knocking On Wood. ...
  • Finding A Four-Leaf Clover. ...
  • The Curse of the Scottish Play.
Aug 2, 2023

What are 3 common superstitions that people in the United States believe in? ›

The three bad-luck superstitions believed by the greatest share of people include walking under a ladder (21%), broken mirrors (21%), and the number 666 (21%).

What do you call a person who believes in superstitions? ›

People who are superstitious believe in things that are not real or possible, for example magic. Jean was extremely superstitious and believed the colour green brought bad luck. Synonyms: prone to superstition, naive, gullible More Synonyms of superstitious. 2. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]

What is a bad superstition? ›

Superstitions that could be considered “bad” tend to be those based on a fear of the unknown. These include such superstitions as knocking on wood, throwing salt over your shoulder, walking under a ladder, a broken mirror, stepping on a crack, itchy left palms, and many others.

What is the superstition about chewing gum at night? ›

Gum is not chewed at nights, it is said that whoever chews gum at nights he/she eats flesh of dead body. It is believed that whoever plays with his/her foot at night, his/her father or mother will die.

What is the main source of superstition? ›

Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruety. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.

Who originally did superstition? ›

"Superstition" is a song by American singer-songwriter Stevie Wonder. It was released on October 24, 1972, as the lead single from his fifteenth studio album, Talking Book (1972), by Tamla. The lyrics describe popular superstitions and their negative effects.

What is the root of superstitious? ›

The English word derives from the Latin superstitio, the parts of which mean "standing over," as in transcending or standing outside of ordinary logic. In the western world, there have been three particularly influential interpretations of what superstition is all about, all three compatible with this etymology: St.

How do superstitions arise? ›

"They … come from the uncertainty of life — if you have something you desire that you cannot make sure will happen, you might engage in superstitious behavior." Superstitions often provide the illusion of control, which may explain why they offer us a reprieve from uncertainty in life.

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